Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.
What an RTM Assessment can achieve: FMCG, Brewing, Pharma
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 14, 2012
Just a short blog today for a little bit of fun but with a serious message. If you have not studied your Route To Market (RTM) deployment recently then now would be a good time. What was appropriate even a few short years ago can be wholly out of…
FMCG Markets in CEE: Big pack sizes & missed growth opportunities
Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 01, 2012
If you are running an FMCG factory the least welcome pack sizes will be something like 50g sachets of washing powder or 50ml tubes of toothpaste, i.e. relatively slow filling and low capacity. In multinationals these small pack skus are likely to…
Top 10 Recession Busting Supply Chain Resolutions for 2013
Dave Jordan Mon, Jan 23, 2012
This seems like déjà-vue all over again! Only a handful of working days into the New Year and I am hearing the same old complaints about the economy and business in general being poor. Of course this is true and does not look like changing any time…
Lost for words operating in FMCG, Pharma Supply Chains?
Dave Jordan Mon, Nov 21, 2011
I published this some time ago and have just realised I did not follow up with the answers! Here they are, inserted in red text. People working in modern FMCG, Pharma Supply Chain use a whole host of initials and acronyms to get through the day.…
FMCG Route To Market – Ignoring it is Madness
Dave Jordan Tue, Oct 25, 2011
We are now into the final quarter of the year. Very few companies will be cruising along nicely and looking forward to the year-end results. If you did not review your Route To Market Distribution network and tasted sustainable success then some…
Who’d be an RTM Distributor for a Blue-Chip FMCG Company?
Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 12, 2011
Well, I would think long and hard about such a decision! Would you want the hassle and the lack of recognition and reward? An FMCG distributor’s lot is not always a happy one. Frequently and unfairly blamed for not reaching targets, yet the fault…
Top Ten Summer Season Smash Hits of FMCG Drinks Producers
Dave Jordan Fri, Aug 05, 2011
Summer is just around the corner and drinks producers across the globe will be battling for an increased share of throat. Whatever refreshment you offer the challenge to ensure your product is taken off the shelf or out of the cooler remains very…
Shock, horror, probe - Use the same RTM Distributor as a Competitor?
Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 11, 2011
Impossible, over my dead body, not in a million years - the usual knee-jerk objections to any suggestion of getting too close to a competitive operation. Such comments are usually spouted by Marketing colleagues who are frankly living on agency…
How good is your Route To Market (RTM) distribution? Take this test!
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 15, 2011
Whether your business is summer seasonal, e.g. beer, ice cream or you enjoy a relatively flat demand profile one of your key challenges will be to reach your Traditional Trade (TT) consumers. Where TT remains sizable and therefore important, your…
FMCG Beverages and the World’s Greatest Drinks Salesman!
Dave Jordan Fri, May 06, 2011
As the snow ploughs, sledges and gloves are packed away for another year in the northern hemisphere we enter a key period in the FMCG industry. Beverage consumers are about to get thirsty or at least large numbers of drinks companies hope this is…
11 Critical Success Factors for Route To Market Programmes
Michael Thompson Fri, Feb 04, 2011
Trying to get the best out of distributors in some less developed markets is particularly challenging. The traditional non-key account trade is unstructured and characterised by very many players many of whom are opportunists and not interested in…
FMCG Supply Chain - What do all those initials really mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 02, 2011
Like many business functions Supply Chains use multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused in meetings as various initials are quoted and debated…
FMCG International Key Accounts (IKA) and Traditional Trade (TT)
Dave Jordan Tue, Jan 18, 2011
I regularly see headlines about how much the IKA sector has suffered in the recession. Expansion plans curtailed; fewer stores opening; CEE not a boom town now etc etc. The ongoing recession has delayed the onward march of the IKA and I think that…
The Top 10 Smash Hits of FMCG Route to Market Distribution (RTM)
Dave Jordan Thu, Oct 07, 2010
This weeks’ top 10 looks at FMCG Route To Market Distribution - how do you get your product onto shelves? Straight in at number 10 is Queen with One Vision – Work with Distributors that have a clearly defined strategy in place. If they know what…
Selling via FMCG/Drinks Distributors in CEE: That’s easy, isn’t it?
Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 20, 2010
No. If this was true there would be no space on the beach as it would be full of CEE Producer Sales Directors. Leave the Marketing guys to enjoy the beach. Does your Distributor have a clear understanding of their potential universe? Small…