Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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Top 10 Tips to Successful FMCG Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
Dave Jordan Thu, Feb 27, 2025
They think it's all over! The ink is drying on the deal, the celebratory champagne corks have been popped and the sharp-suited lawyers have gone off to spend their small fortunes. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy, sell or merge…
FMCG 4Ps: Is everything you do really adding value?
Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 09, 2024
Time for action? If you have been dithering about making change for FMCG success, now is the time. With so much chaos around the world and COVID raising its ugly head once more, you will (hopefully) never have such a strategic discontinuity…
A Marriage of Inconvenience? Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Dave Jordan Tue, May 21, 2024
If you do not specifically agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything and everything but success is likely. Would you buy a used car from a politician? You buy a new car and you get a contract that…
FMCG: Time to review unnecessary roles and processes
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 17, 2021
I think we all agree that life will never be the same again after COVID-19 has dealt a stunning blow to humanity. While the horrendous death toll is a modern day calamity, the pandemic provides an unavoidable opportunity to do things differently…
10 Top Tips to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Integration
Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 15, 2018
The ink is dry on the deal, the celebratory corks have been popped and the sharp-suited lawyers have gone off to bank a small fortune. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy or merge with another company are finally over. Relief all…
Manage Supply Chain Expectations with Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 11, 2018
If you do not specifically agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything and everything but success is likely. You buy a new car and you get a contract that tells you what is covered by the guarantee and…
FMCG S&OP: Who is the stooge in your process?
Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 02, 2018
Laurel and Hardy, Morecambe and Wise, Abbott and Costello, Little and Large, Hale and Pace, May and Johnson. These are examples of double acts where one party plays the straight/stooge and apparently serious man while the other plays the…
7 Deadly Sins: Why FMCG Distributors are Overstocked in CEE
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 13, 2018
How I guffaw when I hear producers complain about traditional trade distributor overstock.Make no mistake Mr. Producer, YOU put the stock there, oh yes you did! Distributors don't buy stock for something to do or a laugh and a giggle. Excess stock…
FMCG Year-end 2017: Distributors overstocked?
Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 30, 2017
How is 2017 going so far? Are you in cruise control or is your business chaos central? Be honest now! The last quarter of the year is always difficult to manage in order to achieve 2017 results without negatively impacting 2018. When your business…
Relieve your FMCG pain - secure Interim Supply Chain Support
Dave Jordan Wed, May 10, 2017
I know you are busy. Not enough hours in the day. Deadlines rapidly approaching. Your children call you Uncle Dad or Auntie Mum. Before the stress takes its inevitable toll think about relieving the pressure without adding to head count. Why s…
Supply Chain: The benefits of Interim Management
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 29, 2017
Interim Management is an approach used by companies to “make things happen” within a clear budget and without the headaches of recruiting a full time employee (FTE). The benefits are numerous but initially…… Immediate access to expert supply chain…
FMCG CEE Logistics; Transport, Trucks and Yorkie Bars
Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 21, 2015
“I like trucking, I like trucking, I like trucking and I like to truck.” Those of you who have not been on this planet very long and people who like hedgehogs will not be familiar with this Not The 9 O’clock News sketch from 1970’s UK TV. In short,…
FMCG warehouse capacity in Romania: A Short Story
Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 22, 2015
The car bounced over the dirt road of potholes and puddles and approached the expansive, looming warehouse building that was once so full of life and bustling activity. Paper and polystyrene fast–food litter gathered up by the breeze blew across the…
7 Deadly FMCG Sins: Overstocked Traditional Trade Distributors
Dave Jordan Wed, May 06, 2015
Sorry to be a little direct right at the start but make no mistake Mr/Mrs. FMCG Producer, YOU put the stock there, oh yes you did! Distributors don't buy stock for a laugh and a giggle as they like full shelves. Excess stock blocks up their shelves…
FMCG Distributors: 7 Ways to avoid inventory overstocking
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 08, 2015
If you still rely on Traditional Trade (TT) distribution for a significant part of your business then read on! Over-stocking Distributors happens by stealth and the consequences creep up on you until suddenly and without warning you hit a brick wall…