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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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Define Your Ideal Model Distributor: Key Steps for FMCG Success

Michael Thompson Thu, Jul 18, 2024
When we start the process of distributor selection, we need to be very clear about what we are looking for. A key question is this. What is our ideal Distributor Partner, or Model Distributor, we sometimes call them, and what do they look like?…

Driving Performance Post-Distributor Selection: JBP & JAP

Michael Thompson Fri, Jul 12, 2024
I am often asked what is the single most important thing that should be done after selecting a new distributor. Before I answer this question, let me recap the process of distributor selection. The three phases of Distributor Selection are: The…

Distributor Selection: Mastering the Catalyst Phase

Michael Thompson Wed, Jul 03, 2024
The dictionary definition of a Catalyst is: An agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action. Using our A-B-C of Route to Market model, the Catalyst Phase is when we execute or as we sometime call it ‘How to Win’. For distributor…

Distributor Selection: Mastering the Blueprint Phase

Michael Thompson Fri, Jun 28, 2024
In my recent article I presented a Simple Guide to Selecting and Engaging Distributors using the A-B-C of Route to Market. As a reminder of the A-B-C of Route to Market, my aim is to simplify the world of RtM into a series of three steps that any…

Distributor Selection - Mastering the Assessment Phase

Michael Thompson Wed, Jun 19, 2024
In my last Article and Post I presented a Simple Guide to Selecting and Engaging Distributors using the the A-B-C of Route to Market. As a reminder of the A-B-C of Route to Market, my aim is to simplify the world of RtM into a series of three steps…

The A-B-C of Route to Market: A Simple Guide to Finding & Engaging New Distributors

Michael Thompson Thu, Jun 13, 2024
In my last Post & Article I presented a new Route to Market (RtM) model, the aim of which was to bring together our RtM work in the last 5 years or so. This is the A-B-C of Route to Market. As a reminder, my aim is to simplify the world of RtM into…

The A-B-C of Route to Market: A Simple Guide to Achieving Success

Michael Thompson Wed, Jun 05, 2024
Myself and Enchange colleagues have written 100’s of posts and articles about Route to Market for well over five years. It is fair to say that our message has spread far and wide and attracted a lot of attention in the RtM and commercial world. I…

Mastering FMCG Route to Market Execution: 3 Critical Success factors & 1 Top Tip

Michael Thompson Thu, May 16, 2024
In my last post and article about Mastering FMCG Route to Market Execution, I wrote about the 3 Steps needed to deliver Global and Regional RtM Programmes. As a reminder these steps were: 𝐑𝐭𝐌 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 development to align the RtM approach…

Mastering FMCG Route to Market Execution: 3 Steps to Regional & Global Success

Michael Thompson Mon, May 13, 2024
Route to Market (RtM) Execution in a single market presents one set of challenges. RtM Execution in multiple markets is an altogether different proposition. Why? Because as a regional or global player, you need consistency of approach with your RTM…

Digital RtM & Supply Chain – 4 Data Points That Will Transform FMCG

Michael Thompson Thu, Mar 14, 2024
‘Digital transformation’ is becoming something of a cliché these days. There is no question that information technology and digital has improved supply chain operations. For example, given availability of the right data, materials and inventory…

3 Steps to Boost FMCG Sales

Michael Thompson Tue, Mar 12, 2024
A few months ago, I hurt my knee whilst running. It was a rather tame event but my knee was clearly injured. Failing to heal over the next few days I decided to visit an Osteopath who specialises in sports injuries. He informed me that I had an…

Is S&OP Necessary? The Jury Is Out …

Michael Thompson Mon, Sep 12, 2022
I would like to present the Story of MANCO, a manufacturing-based FMCG Multinational Organisation. The organisation is currently struggling with various aspects of their supply chain. Part of the Senior Management Team are: Xavier – Chief Executive…

Understanding Your Interim Management Needs – 3 Key Considerations

Michael Thompson Wed, Jul 06, 2022
I have written about supply chain and route to market interim management recently. In discussions with clients, the following theme often arisess: “We are very busy … Too busy to make progress ... I suspect that we need some additional support in…

Do I really need S&OP? 3 Questions to Answer

Michael Thompson Thu, May 05, 2022
There was an excellent article from McKinsey published on 2 March 2022 entitled: “Autonomous supply chain planning for consumer goods companies” It contained the strap line: “Rethink Traditional Processes”. Based on research undertaken in Asia with…

3 Ways to Fast Track Distributor Performance in Africa

Michael Thompson Tue, May 03, 2022
With little overall growth expected in a number of African markets in 2022, the battle ground will likely be for market share. With this in mind, how do we ensure that we are best placed to win these battles? Given that most sales in African markets…

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