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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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Top 7 Pitfalls to Avoid in Logistics Outsourcing

Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 19, 2022
The Enchange Supply Chain House; the one-stop shop for all of the elements you need to achieve supply chain excellence. Previously, we discussed the top 10 potential advantages of finding a 3PLP partner. which can bring benefits of cost, service and…

Is this a perfect FMCG Supply Chain?

Dave Jordan Thu, Apr 01, 2021
I cannot reveal the name of this specific organisation for obvious reasons but their Supply Chain is one very impressive, slick machine. Across the Source, Plan, Make and Deliver SCOR Supply Chain disciplines we see excellence, leading edge systems…

Supply Chains: Post COVID Readiness

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 10, 2021
Fingers, toes and eyes crossed but it looks like there is some light at the end of the COVID 19 tunnel and it is not a train, hopefully. Getting back to normal is a top of mind desire for everyone but that normal will not be how we operated in 2019.…

How to Formulate a Winning Distribution Strategy Fit for the Covid-19 World

Ross Marie Wed, May 13, 2020
Assessing your distribution options is one of the most important elements of any Route to Market strategy. Choosing the wrong distribution strategy, although often not evident in the short term, can cripple a company’s long-term growth, and ability…

Localising Global Route to Market Strategy is Essential in Emerging Markets

Ross Marie Fri, Nov 08, 2019
Before we even begin to look at how to develop Route to Market (RtM) strategies and execution plans for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies (FMCG) in emerging markets like Africa, we need to understand and remind ourselves of a few basic principles…

Can I Build a Winning FMCG Route to Market Strategy on Limited Resources?

Ross Marie Fri, Oct 25, 2019
I am in the middle of writing a blog series on Route to Market (RtM) success in emerging markets, with a specific focus on Africa. I have been receiving some excellent feedback throughout (many thanks!). One topic has come up several times and I…

How Can We Increase Trade Coverage Through Our Distributors in Africa?

Ross Marie Mon, Oct 14, 2019
This is a challenging question and one that we need to break down. Trade coverage, brand distribution, distribution coverage, brand or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) availability, or whatever terminology you use, is one of the most important Route to…

How do FMCG Companies Increase Sales Volume in Africa?

Ross Marie Fri, Oct 04, 2019
It’s a good question and one that Enchange is often asked. Enchange has been helping clients in Africa for over 25 years. Whilst many things have changed in that time, for example, the use and availability of technology, many things remain the same.…

Deliver Route to Market Excellence in Multi Distributor Markets in Africa

Ross Marie Fri, Sep 27, 2019
How do we implement real change to deliver the best possible Route to Market (RtM) in challenging developing markets? Enchange has been in the business of transforming clients Route to Market (RtM) for over 25 years. Last year I built on that bank…

Logistics Outsource Tendering in CEE - Top 7 Hazards

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 16, 2016
This process can be straight forward but a little extra care and knowledge will ensure you achieve the best warehousing and/or transport solution for your business. Just a quick reality check, do you need to outsource? Before embarking on a…

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