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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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FMCG 4Ps: Is everything you do really adding value?

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 09, 2024
Time for action? If you have been dithering about making change for FMCG success, now is the time. With so much chaos around the world and COVID raising its ugly head once more, you will (hopefully) never have such a strategic discontinuity…

Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat & his Supply Chain hat

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 02, 2024
Deliver, deliver, deliver. Briefly, before we get stuck into today's article, I recently took a first-hand look at the ailing National Health Service in UK. Oh, how a little bit of demand and supply planning expertise plus a smidgeon of alternative…

FMCG S&OP: Special Agent Assignment

Dave Jordan Tue, Sep 24, 2024
Spamfall A British Secret Agent glided through the polished corridors of HQ. Reaching his destination door he knocked and entered at the same time and introduced himself as Beams, Jon D Beams. The swooning Miss Cashnickel smiled a Colgate smile and…

Optimising Distributor Performance - Balancing KPIs for Long Term Success

Michael Thompson Thu, Sep 12, 2024
In my last article and post I covered the topic of distribution performance, specifically the topic of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Metrics. In our journey, we have now selected our Distributor, by considering what an ideal Model Distributor…

Top Distributor KPIs - Financial, Customer, Process & Growth Metrics Explained

Michael Thompson Wed, Sep 11, 2024
In my last article and post I covered the topic of distribution performance and how we establish the right processes and behaviours. I now want to address the topic of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Metrics. Before I do this, a quick recap. In…

FMCG S&OP: Silo & Obstruction Practises...

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 07, 2024
Frustration Preparation Today I am getting ready to do business in my nameless but dysfunctional FMCG business. For “FMCG” you could substitute ANY business sector you wish. A full body suit made from flexible Kevlar with all the usual macho,…

FMCG S&OP: From Chaos to Cruise Control

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 31, 2024
Once More Unto The Breach You could hear the groans around the room when the FMCG CEO announced to the company that they had decided to implement Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP). After months of prevarication and toing and froing, a decision had…

FMCG ABCD Stock Holding: Fast Food Lessons

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 23, 2024
Do you want fries with that? People who work in fast food outlets – I really cannot bring myself to label them as restaurants – must have specific training in dealing with non-standard orders. Can you imagine the temptation to audibly groan when in…

Define Your Ideal Model Distributor: Key Steps for FMCG Success

Michael Thompson Thu, Jul 18, 2024
When we start the process of distributor selection, we need to be very clear about what we are looking for. A key question is this. What is our ideal Distributor Partner, or Model Distributor, we sometimes call them, and what do they look like?…

FMCG Leaders: How good is your S&OP? Take this test!

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 16, 2024
Blinkers? While you are tackling the day to day routine of crises, meetings, strategy and more crises while fending off the results pressure from global/regional HQ, you can lose a grip on the reality of how your company is operating. Creeping…

Driving Performance Post-Distributor Selection: JBP & JAP

Michael Thompson Fri, Jul 12, 2024
I am often asked what is the single most important thing that should be done after selecting a new distributor. Before I answer this question, let me recap the process of distributor selection. The three phases of Distributor Selection are: The…

FMCG Drinks: Top 10 Summer Season Smash Hits

Dave Jordan Thu, Jul 11, 2024
A little bit of fun this week after the dreary focus on the UK General Election and England performances. Here comes the world's greatest drink sales guy! Summer is here and drinks producers across the globe will be battling for an increased share…

Distributor Selection: Mastering the Catalyst Phase

Michael Thompson Wed, Jul 03, 2024
The dictionary definition of a Catalyst is: An agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action. Using our A-B-C of Route to Market model, the Catalyst Phase is when we execute or as we sometime call it ‘How to Win’. For distributor…

FMCG S&OE: Tackling the Dreaded Month-End Sales Peak

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 03, 2024
Too Little Too Late? Imagine Manchester City needing to score 5 goals in the last match of the season to win the English Premier League yet they do not start attacking with any intent until the 80th minute. Or the England cricket team needing to…

Distributor Selection: Mastering the Blueprint Phase

Michael Thompson Fri, Jun 28, 2024
In my recent article I presented a Simple Guide to Selecting and Engaging Distributors using the A-B-C of Route to Market. As a reminder of the A-B-C of Route to Market, my aim is to simplify the world of RtM into a series of three steps that any…

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