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Top 10 Tips to Successful FMCG Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Dave Jordan Thu, Feb 27, 2025
They think it's all over! The ink is drying on the deal, the celebratory champagne corks have been popped and the sharp-suited lawyers have gone off to spend their small fortunes. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy, sell or merge…

10 Top Tips to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Integration

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 15, 2018
The ink is dry on the deal, the celebratory corks have been popped and the sharp-suited lawyers have gone off to bank a small fortune. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy or merge with another company are finally over. Relief all…

FMCG Mergers & Acquisitions - Why acquired brands fail to deliver

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 18, 2018
Let me get straight to the point on this one. Why do so many FMCG mergers or acquisitions frequently result in the apparent death-knell of once proud and promising brands? I am not going to name any names but if you think about it there have been…

Relieve your FMCG pain - secure Interim Supply Chain Support

Dave Jordan Wed, May 10, 2017
I know you are busy. Not enough hours in the day. Deadlines rapidly approaching. Your children call you Uncle Dad or Auntie Mum. Before the stress takes its inevitable toll think about relieving the pressure without adding to head count. Why s…

FMCG Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A):Why acquired brands fail to deliver

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 14, 2013
Let me get straight to the point on this one. Why do so many FMCG mrgers or acquisitions frequently result in the apparent death-knell of once proud and promising brands? I am not going to name any names but if you think about it there have been…

7 Top Tips to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Integration

Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 10, 2012
The ink is dry on the deal, the celebratory corks have been popped and the lawyers have gone off to bank a small fortune. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy or merge with another FMCG or other sector company are finally over.…

It’s Deja Vue all over again for FMCG Supply Chains

Dave Jordan Tue, Aug 09, 2011
Do you remember the rash of take-overs, buy-outs and mergers just before last two rounds of EU accession? Locally owned CEE Companies that could not or would not meet the various requirement of EU accession were sold off to competitors and private…

7 Reasons for Securing an Interim Supply Chain Manager in CEE

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 14, 2010
The recession rumbles on and on and on. Greece, then Ireland; who is next in line for a heavy duty IMF/EU bale out? Should Spain become the next country to hit the financial wall that would send a few shock waves around Europe. So why is Interim…

FMCG/Pharma Mergers & Acquisitions and Supply Chains

Dave Jordan Tue, Oct 19, 2010
As we slowly (but surely?) emerge out of recession you can expect the number of M&A deals to rise. Many companies have tightened their belts and tried to ride out the economic storm but many have already gone to the wall and even more will follow.…

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