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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.

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FMCG Planning - A short history of technology advancement

Dave Jordan Tue, Jun 25, 2024
Plan, Plan and Plan Again! All major companies run some sort of ERP to support their business whether they are FMCG, pharma, brewing or indeed anyone who “makes stuff” for Joe Public to buy. Many blue-chips have invested in big name software…

A Marriage of Inconvenience? Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Dave Jordan Tue, May 21, 2024
If you do not specifically agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything and everything but success is likely. Would you buy a used car from a politician? You buy a new car and you get a contract that…

Time for Action - Confused by FMCG data & information?

Dave Jordan Wed, May 15, 2024
Who coined that irritating term “Big Data”? How did we get there without normal sized data, slightly larger data, large data and bordering on big data? People working in or associated with extended Supply Chains may seem obsessed by data yet data…

Digital RtM & Supply Chain – 4 Data Points That Will Transform FMCG

Michael Thompson Thu, Mar 14, 2024
‘Digital transformation’ is becoming something of a cliché these days. There is no question that information technology and digital has improved supply chain operations. For example, given availability of the right data, materials and inventory…

Is S&OP Necessary? The Jury Is Out …

Michael Thompson Mon, Sep 12, 2022
I would like to present the Story of MANCO, a manufacturing-based FMCG Multinational Organisation. The organisation is currently struggling with various aspects of their supply chain. Part of the Senior Management Team are: Xavier – Chief Executive…

Procurement Transformation to Lower Costs - 12 Questions to Ask

Ratib Ratib Wed, Jul 13, 2022
Why do you need this transformation? If you: Do not have well-defined and aligned procurement and supply chain strategy Do not have strategically positioned procurement function Do not have clear procurement roles and responsibilities Do not have…

Now is the Right Time to Restructure Your Distribution Network

Ratib Ratib Thu, Jun 30, 2022
Supply chain complexities are increasing. Shifting customer demands & habits, expanding business, and rising cost pressures are the key drivers for restructuring needs of your distribution networks. Customer demands are shifting rapidly. The share…

Route to Market & Supply Chain Interim Management - Top 3 Positions

Michael Thompson Fri, Apr 29, 2022
Recently I wrote about 10 Times you need Route to Market or Supply Chain Interim Managers. I had an excellent response and have since been talking to clients and Enchange colleagues. The discussions have centred around where the need for interim…

10 Times You Need Route to Market or Supply Chain Interim Managers

Michael Thompson Fri, Apr 15, 2022
I have been talking to a number of commercial and supply chain executives during the last few weeks and something of a theme has emerged. The theme is the need for highly skilled route to market / commercial and supply chain resource, available at…

FMCG Demand Planning: 4 Frequent Flaws to Avoid

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 16, 2022
The Enchange Supply Chain House is available for those wishing to embark on a structured, medium-term journey towards Supply Chain excellence. What about those companies who need change now with no time to waste? What can they do to effect…

12 Focus Areas for Supply Chain & Route to Market Transformation in Africa

Michael Thompson Wed, Feb 09, 2022
How do we deliver sustained excellence in supply chain and route to market in the challenging markets in Africa? I refer here to the entire supply chain from materials to shelf – i.e. supply chain and route to market (RtM). Although many of the…

Enabling Rapid Change Across the FMCG Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 02, 2022
The Enchange Supply Chain House is available for those wishing to embark on a structured, medium-term journey towards Supply Chain excellence. Visit the Enchange website, click on a Supply Chain discipline and find all that you need to know. You can…

Supply Chain Change – 6 External Factors to Consider

Michael Thompson Tue, Feb 01, 2022
To recap, last week’s introductory article - The 7 Essential Elements to Drive Change in your Supply Chain – considered the overall recipe for successful change. It was to understand: Why is change needed? What needs to change? How will the change…

7 Essential Elements to Drive Change in Your Supply Chain

Michael Thompson Tue, Jan 25, 2022
I spent time over the Christmas break looking back at a lot of the great blogging work my colleagues have done during 2021. As I reflected, I reviewed some of our recent client project notes. Catching up on some filing (not usually a good idea over…

Top 10 Supply Chain Activities for 2022

Dave Jordan Thu, Jan 06, 2022
Welcome to 2022 and let us all hope it will be better than 2021. Once again, we will be taking you on a journey through the Enchange Supply Chain House providing guidance on what you need for your supply chain to improve and ultimately, achieve…

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