Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.
Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma
Dave Jordan Tue, May 31, 2011
Did anyone hear the loud clanging noise on Tuesday around 14.30? The sound was similar to a very large church bell being struck by a huge iron bar and that bar was in the hands of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie was also in a very bad mood! The noise…
Reducing Cost in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma Businesses
Dave Jordan Mon, May 23, 2011
Picture the scene in many a boardroom; a note has come from HQ telling the boss to reduce costs as globally the annual set of results is not going to look pretty. Why do all the board directors then look at their Supply Chain colleague? Of course…
Supply Chain and S&OP Compliance & Assessment
Michael Thompson Wed, May 18, 2011
My earlier blogs about supply chain and S&OP compliance have prompted a number of further discussions. One particular issue that has emerged is an area of potential confusion. It came to light during a recent discussion with a Supply Chain Executive…
Supply chain and S&OP Compliance – 5 Steps to Making it Happen
Michael Thompson Tue, May 03, 2011
I have had several discussions in response to my last blog on the subject of supply chain and S&OP compliance. A common theme was the practicalities of measuring compliance. So here are 5 steps to make it happen. Supply Chain & S&OP Operating Model.…
Top 10 Supply Chain New Year Resolutions: Making Progress?
Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 19, 2011
So, we have reached April and Q1 is already done and dusted; how were your results? Be honest, did you push, push, push to make last year’s final number and shoot yourself in the foot for Q1? From what I understand very few companies will have had a…
Supply Chain and S&OP Convergence – Checking Compliance
Michael Thompson Thu, Apr 07, 2011
Why don’t people just do what they say they will do? This, in a nutshell, was the substance of a discussion I had last week with a senior supply chain executive of a Fortune 500 FMCG multinational. It is also similar to many conversations I have had…
Supply Chain Blog Enchange Oscars - and the Winner is...
Michael Thompson Tue, Mar 08, 2011
Lest we were caught up in the furore of the Hollywood version, it is now time to announce the winners of the inaugural Enchange Supply Chain Blog Oscars. Without further ado: Best Route to Market Blog – goes to Evaluate your FMCG Route to Market…
Enchange Supply Chain Blog of the Year 2011
Michael Thompson Fri, Feb 18, 2011
It’s that time of year. With just over a week to go until the cinematic version, it is time to reflect upon a year of supply chain blogging. Ladies & gentlemen I give you the nominations for the inaugural 2011 Enchange supply chain blogs. Supply…
FMCG Supply Chain - What do all those initials really mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 02, 2011
Like many business functions Supply Chains use multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused in meetings as various initials are quoted and debated…
Yes, you can work in an FMCG Supply Chain and have a sense of humour
Dave Jordan Mon, Jan 24, 2011
Frankly, if you do not have a sense of humour you will be lost in the Supply Chain. Seldom recognised, under paid, under graded, under stress and most of all, misunderstood. The only real fun is reading the sales force accuracy figures and the…
Top 10 Signs Your Route To Market Distribution Programme Worked!
Dave Jordan Fri, Jan 14, 2011
So you evaluated your distribution network and wait to see the promised results? What changed? You are selling more volume - no, not sales in but real Sales Out – and your bottom line looks far healthier. Your Distributors bring well thought-out and…
What has S&OP ever done for us? The role of the CEO
Michael Thompson Tue, Jan 04, 2011
We have started a debate about S&OP - “What has S&OP ever done for us?”. Our protagonists are REGINALD, the CEO of a multinational FMCG company and JACEK the new Head of Supply Chain Development at the same company. Both do not believe that S&OP is…
To S&OP or not to S&OP - That is the question
Michael Thompson Wed, Dec 22, 2010
Our mailbag is expanding ... Sire To S&OP or not to S&OP: That is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The claims and errors of outrageous sales forecasts Or to make plans against a sea of market uncertainties, And by opposing end…
What has S&OP ever done for us? A great deal actually ...
Michael Thompson Fri, Dec 17, 2010
From Monty Python to S&OP via integrated supply chain planning to forecasting and related issues, and a conclusion shared by our two protagonists that S&OP is not really necessary, we received the following in our mailbag ... Dear Mike, I have been…
Santa & Opening Presents - S&OP Putting the Elves in their place
Dave Jordan Mon, Dec 13, 2010
Dear Mr. K Ite, Thank you for your very short note highlighting some minor points; I can see you are a little aggrieved. On behalf of Santa I will attempt to minimise your apparent unease with the S&OP process in the context of the small print in…