Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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Shock, horror, probe - Use the same RTM Distributor as a Competitor?
Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 11, 2011
Impossible, over my dead body, not in a million years - the usual knee-jerk objections to any suggestion of getting too close to a competitive operation. Such comments are usually spouted by Marketing colleagues who are frankly living on agency…
Why you need to study your Manufacturing Factory Footprint
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 29, 2011
The sharp, customer end of the extended supply chain continues to receive attention as companies implement and hone S&OP and RTM-style programmes. The multiple drivers include cost of course, but also customer service and a desire not to be out of…
Inventory/Spare Parts Management in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma Factories
Dave Jordan Sun, Jun 19, 2011
Well, I find it strange anyway. Some very large companies spend countless hours and cash in finding and securing a third party logistic provider (3PLP) to take great care of their finished goods assets. The performance of the chosen 3PLP is then…
How good is your Route To Market (RTM) distribution? Take this test!
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 15, 2011
Whether your business is summer seasonal, e.g. beer, ice cream or you enjoy a relatively flat demand profile one of your key challenges will be to reach your Traditional Trade (TT) consumers. Where TT remains sizable and therefore important, your…
Practical Guide to SKU Complexity Reduction in the Premier League
Dave Jordan Mon, Jun 13, 2011
Previously I have looked at sku complexity in FMCG, Brewing and Pharmaceutical businesses and how it can affect customer service and profitability. This simple chart shows how you should be reviewing your sku portfolio to ensure your resources are…
FMCG, Brewing, Pharma Champions League Supply Chains
Dave Jordan Tue, Jun 07, 2011
Barcelona won the Champions League finally quite easily and to actually hear Sir Alex say something like “they gave us a good hiding” was refreshing. Messi was far from untidy and several Barcelona players looked head and shoulders above their…
Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma
Dave Jordan Tue, May 31, 2011
Did anyone hear the loud clanging noise on Tuesday around 14.30? The sound was similar to a very large church bell being struck by a huge iron bar and that bar was in the hands of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie was also in a very bad mood! The noise…
Concise Role Definitions in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma Supply Chains
Dave Jordan Thu, May 26, 2011
The average job description will run to a few pages of A4. Even after you have read your own it may not be completely clear what you should be doing. Here I have tried to encapsulate a selection of supply chain roles and processes in just a few…
Reducing Cost in FMCG, Brewing, Pharma Businesses
Dave Jordan Mon, May 23, 2011
Picture the scene in many a boardroom; a note has come from HQ telling the boss to reduce costs as globally the annual set of results is not going to look pretty. Why do all the board directors then look at their Supply Chain colleague? Of course…
FMCG, Pharma, Brewing Co-packing and Re-Packing Management
Dave Jordan Tue, May 17, 2011
Whether you call it co-packing or re-packing this involves the further manipulation of a finished and complete sku. Look around the shelves and the evidence of extra expense and work is displayed by special stickers, multi-packs and banded…
An FMCG Success Story; Focus on Customers and See the Benefits
Dave Jordan Mon, May 09, 2011
Once upon a time there was an FMCG company that I will refer to as “Foresight”. “Foresight” had spent many years and many dollars creating an acknowledged slick inbound Supply Chain. Top class global buying Flexible factory network State of the art…
FMCG Beverages and the World’s Greatest Drinks Salesman!
Dave Jordan Fri, May 06, 2011
As the snow ploughs, sledges and gloves are packed away for another year in the northern hemisphere we enter a key period in the FMCG industry. Beverage consumers are about to get thirsty or at least large numbers of drinks companies hope this is…
7 Top Tips To Tip-Top Customer Service in FMCG, Drinks & Pharma
Dave Jordan Thu, Apr 28, 2011
Do FMCG, Drinks & Pharma Companies delude themselves on Customer Service? I think some may well be doing this and may or may not know it! Whatever service related KPI you measure the aim is designed to see how you are performing both internally and…
How Do Customers Perceive “Customer Service, Customer Care”?
Dave Jordan Thu, Apr 21, 2011
After two incidents (three really) of poor Customer Service on the same day I felt compelled to put fingers to keys and share the experience! All of you working in FMCG, Drinks or Pharma - amongst others – should look closely at how your Customer…
Top 10 Supply Chain New Year Resolutions: Making Progress?
Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 19, 2011
So, we have reached April and Q1 is already done and dusted; how were your results? Be honest, did you push, push, push to make last year’s final number and shoot yourself in the foot for Q1? From what I understand very few companies will have had a…