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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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RTM. Hear Mungo Jerry sing about the World’s Greatest Drinks Salesman

Dave Jordan Thu, Apr 14, 2011
Everyone involved in selling any type of beverage looks forward to those hot, hot days of summer when the sun is shining and drinks are moving quickly off shelves and out of coolers. This is a time when sales people can relax a little and let the…

Job Opening: Supply Chain Director FMCG, Brewing, Pharmaceutical

Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 12, 2011
The majority of Supply Chain Director-level openings paint a picture of dynamic, forward thinking companies already operating at top performance and requiring you just to “keep the ball moving”. This is not always the case so I wonder how an advert…

How would your FMCG or Pharma Supply Chain cope in a crisis?

Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 24, 2011
We have seen some terrible natural disasters recently. The large earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan have ruined lives and caused unbelievable devastation. When you add in the political unrest in several countries and the recent UN mandate on Libya…

Retailer Logistic Platforms: A Help or Hindrance?

Dave Jordan Fri, Mar 18, 2011
For years producers have sent their products to individual retails stores and endured the seemingly endless waits for an unloading slot plus the inevitable claim “for missing goods”. Why do International Key Account (IKA) retailers have so much…

10 Reasons Why NOT to Evaluate your FMCG/Pharma Route To Market

Dave Jordan Fri, Mar 11, 2011
The reasons and benefits for carrying out a professional review of your Distribution network are well documented. Most of the senior people I meet understand the value of such a programme but there is a sizeable minority holding opposing views.…

Essential Elements of FMCG/Pharma Route To Market (RTM) Success

Dave Jordan Mon, Mar 07, 2011
With Traditional Trade enjoying something of a revival due to the extended recession some savvy companies are sorting out their RTM distribution networks. This will provide an immediate advantage over competitors and once the recession cloud blows…

FMCG Complexity: Factory Efficiency versus Operating Company Cost

Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 03, 2011
Initiatives such as 6-Sigma and TPM have helped producers towards optimised output from their manufacturing networks. Line changeovers are carried out with Grand Prix slickness. Packaging components have been harmonised and rationalised. Output…

A Practical Guide to FMCG/Pharma SKU Complexity Reduction

Dave Jordan Mon, Feb 28, 2011
Get your business in shape to take advantage of the expected upturn in economic conditions by giving your sku list a thorough review. Few businesses are lucky to operate with just one or two monster skus but an excessive list of items on offer can…

Time to Spring Clean your Supply Chain in Brewing, Pharma & FMCG

Dave Jordan Mon, Feb 14, 2011
Is the market getting any better, really? Many big name companies have announced indifferent full year 2010 results recently and all caution about the continuing “difficult market conditions”. Ok, so 2010 has been put to bed but many will be paying…

FMCG Supply Chain - What do all those initials really mean?

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 02, 2011
Like many business functions Supply Chains use multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused in meetings as various initials are quoted and debated…

Yes, you can work in an FMCG Supply Chain and have a sense of humour

Dave Jordan Mon, Jan 24, 2011
Frankly, if you do not have a sense of humour you will be lost in the Supply Chain. Seldom recognised, under paid, under graded, under stress and most of all, misunderstood. The only real fun is reading the sales force accuracy figures and the…

FMCG International Key Accounts (IKA) and Traditional Trade (TT)

Dave Jordan Tue, Jan 18, 2011
I regularly see headlines about how much the IKA sector has suffered in the recession. Expansion plans curtailed; fewer stores opening; CEE not a boom town now etc etc. The ongoing recession has delayed the onward march of the IKA and I think that…

Top 10 Signs Your Route To Market Distribution Programme Worked!

Dave Jordan Fri, Jan 14, 2011
So you evaluated your distribution network and wait to see the promised results? What changed? You are selling more volume - no, not sales in but real Sales Out – and your bottom line looks far healthier. Your Distributors bring well thought-out and…

Exactly What Does An FMCG RTM Distribution Assessment Deliver?

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 21, 2010
In the past week I have met two Sales Directors from blue-chip FMCG companies to discuss an assessment review of their RTM network. Surprisingly, neither Director was interested and gave a remarkably aligned reason for this rejection. “All this does…

7 Reasons for Securing an Interim Supply Chain Manager in CEE

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 14, 2010
The recession rumbles on and on and on. Greece, then Ireland; who is next in line for a heavy duty IMF/EU bale out? Should Spain become the next country to hit the financial wall that would send a few shock waves around Europe. So why is Interim…

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