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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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FMCG Supply Chain: The Key Players

Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 27, 2025
T.E.A.M - everybody achieves more? Eventually, the success of a manager really depends on their team and how they interact and support each other. In business, your people will be required to work in teams if success is to be achieved. Each team…

FMCG Opportunity Knocks? Time to Spring Clean your Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 22, 2025
Holiday hangover? Ok, so 2024 has been put to bed financially but many will be paying a heavy price for the mammoth last quarter efforts which must have made logistics companies and advertising and promotional agencies extremely wealthy. I wonder…

FMCG Complexity - A Practical Reduction Guide

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 06, 2024
Recondite complexity? I recently discussed how complexity negatively affects cost and service including how a floppy SKU tail inhibits growth. Do you understand the impact unnecessary SKUs have on FMCG success? CEOs should be seeking leaner and…

FMCG: Your wagging SKU tail is knocking your company off-balance

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 30, 2024
Double Bio, then the weekend! Finally, Friday afternoon and looking forward to running out of school with a whole weekend of football ahead. Just a double Biology lesson to get through and then 2 days of freedom from books, blackboards and…

FMCG ABCD Stock Holding: Fast Food Lessons

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 23, 2024
Do you want fries with that? People who work in fast food outlets – I really cannot bring myself to label them as restaurants – must have specific training in dealing with non-standard orders. Can you imagine the temptation to audibly groan when in…

Regain Control of Your Product Portfolio

Ratib Ratib Wed, Jul 06, 2022
Through product rationalization, regain control of your product portfolio and become more profitable & competitive. Do you really need SKU rationalisation now? Do you think that substantial portion of your products do not contribute enough to your…

FMCG: Supply Chain Spring Clean

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 24, 2021
After the viral trials and tribulations of 2020, is the market going to get any better any time soon? Many big-name companies predicted/reported indifferent Q4 results and all offer caution about the continuing "difficult market conditions”. Ok, so…

Extended Supply Chain - What do all those initials really mean?

Dave Jordan Thu, Feb 25, 2021
Is it just me or does FMCG life seems to be increasingly full of initials? New examples seem to pop up on a weekly basis with COVID-19 being top of mind currently. In line with many business functions Supply Chain and other functions use multiple…

FMCG Complexity Reduction - A Practical Guide

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 17, 2021
One of my Top 10 Supply Chain Improvement Resolutions for 2021 referred to SKU complexity and I recently discussed how that complexity negatively affects cost and service. With the discontinuity caused by COVID-19 many CEOs should be looking at…

FMCG SKUs: A wagging tail knocks companies off-balance

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 10, 2021
Finally, Friday afternoon and looking forward to running out of school with a whole weekend of football ahead (other sports are available). Just a double Biology lesson to get through and then 2 days of freedom from books, blackboards and bugs.…

FMCG SKU Proliferation: How this negatively affects cost and service

Dave Jordan Thu, Feb 04, 2021
Many SKUs sneak onto FMCG price lists when nobody is looking and this is far from facilitating constructive market development. Sales & Marketing colleagues prefer new launches to provide lengthy lists of SKUs; different fragrances, different sizes,…

How to Formulate a Winning Distribution Strategy Fit for the Covid-19 World

Ross Marie Wed, May 13, 2020
Assessing your distribution options is one of the most important elements of any Route to Market strategy. Choosing the wrong distribution strategy, although often not evident in the short term, can cripple a company’s long-term growth, and ability…

Reinforce Your Route to Market During These Unprecedented Times

Ross Marie Fri, Apr 17, 2020
The global spread of COVID-19 is an incredibly challenging and worrying time for all of us. The loss of life is already significant, and its spread continues. Many countries around the world are in some form of restricted movement or lockdown. From…

Localising Global Route to Market Strategy is Essential in Emerging Markets

Ross Marie Fri, Nov 08, 2019
Before we even begin to look at how to develop Route to Market (RtM) strategies and execution plans for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies (FMCG) in emerging markets like Africa, we need to understand and remind ourselves of a few basic principles…

Demand a Culture of Route to Market Excellence Through Outstanding Leadership

Ross Marie Tue, Mar 19, 2019
There are many things I have seen in over 20 years in the unbelievably exciting Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Business (FMCG). There are many things I can talk about and stories I can tell. But since I was first handed the keys to a van in 1998 to…

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