Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.
Break Down Departmental Silos Through Functional Integration for Route to Market Success
Ross Marie Fri, Feb 15, 2019
The FMCG business is like a team sport. There are sales people sent into the field, to sell more products and beat their targets. There are players put on the sports field, charged with scoring points and winning the game. In both scenarios, if the…
Improve Your Key Account Management Approach with these Vital Tips for Route to Market Success
Ross Marie Thu, Jan 31, 2019
Key Account Management (KAM) is how Route to Market (RtM) leaders effectively and efficiently manage the relationship with specific and strategic customers, or customer groupings, to deliver on RtM targets. Customers are classified as Key Accounts…
Beat the FMCG Competition with an Outstanding Distributor Partnership Programme
Ross Marie Fri, Jan 18, 2019
A Distributor Partnership Programme, if designed and implemented correctly, can be one of the most powerful tools in the Route to Market (RtM) armory for delivering sales growth. A Distributor Partnership Programme sets out which individual…
How to Master Technology in Route to Market Strategy to Save Resources and Fuel Sales
Ross Marie Fri, Jan 11, 2019
When we discuss Technology in terms of Route to Market (RtM) Strategy we are looking at our overall approach to and use of Technology at every stage of our RtM Strategy and Execution. This includes, for example, the hand-held system we take orders…
A Crystal-Clear Sales Incentive program is Fundamental to Route to Market Success
Ross Marie Thu, Dec 06, 2018
When I say Sales Incentive Program (SIP) in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, I am referring to the internal company incentive program that is used to motivate and influence the behaviour of sales people and teams to deliver company…
The Right Data and Metrics are Vital for FMCG Route to Market Success
Ross Marie Thu, Nov 29, 2018
For a successful Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Route to Market (RtM) Strategy, we must be able to measure our performance across the market, internally within the company and externally against the competition and wider benchmarks. We must be…
Retail Outlet Classification in RtM Strategy, an Essential Element or a Complete Waste of Time?
Ross Marie Thu, Nov 01, 2018
Firstly, what is Outlet Classification? It is a process of segmenting every individual outlet, meaning every point of purchase, based on a set of company specific agreed criteria that you will design, e.g. volume, location, consumer profile,…
Distributor Assessment Essentials to Deliver Sales Growth and Improve RtM Strategy
Ross Marie Fri, Oct 12, 2018
Welcome to Step 3 of the 20 Steps to Route to Market Excellence. You can read more about the overall model and the steps I have already discussed here. The third step is ‘Distributor Assessment’. Whether you are looking to build a RtM strategy from…
Supply Chains - Whats do all those initialisms mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 27, 2018
Like many business functions Supply Chains use multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused in meetings as various initials are quoted and debated…
Time to Spring Clean your Supply Chain in FMCG?
Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 22, 2018
Are market conditions getting any better, really? Many big name companies are heading for indifferent full year 2017 results and all caution about the continuing “difficult market conditions”. Ok, so 2017 has been put to bed but many will be paying…
A Practical Guide to FMCG SKU Complexity Reduction
Dave Jordan Tue, Mar 20, 2018
If your business is struggling to cope with day to day sales while managing innovation and range extensions then give your SKU list a thorough review. Not just a cursory glance but a scientific evaluation of what brings in the profit and what eats…
FMCG SKU Proliferation: You DON'T need lost sales in Q4
Dave Jordan Mon, Nov 13, 2017
Extra SKUs sneak onto price lists when nobody is looking. Sales & Marketing colleagues prefer new launches with lengthy SKU lists different flavours, different sizes, different colours, new packaging etc. How many shelf facings do they want? How do…
Supply Chains – A second look: What do all those initials really mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 08, 2017
In common with many business functions Supply Chains adopt multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks and processes they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused as various initials are quoted…
UK NHS Supply Chain: bed-busting benefits of patient SKUs
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 29, 2016
Some time ago I looked at the often dreadful customer service offered by FMCG and Telecoms companies in CEE. Of course, this avoidable malaise is not restricted to that part of the world. After being in UK for a few weeks I have experienced really…
Why S&OP and IBP are invaluable all year round but especially at Christmas
Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 09, 2015
All rather too quickly Noddy Holder is already gargling on the festive gravel. Roy Wood and Wizard are wishing we could grossly over eat and drink on 365 or 366 days of the year and although they never met, Bowie and Bing are dueting about peace on…