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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.

11 Critical Success Factors for Route To Market Programmes

Michael Thompson Fri, Feb 04, 2011
Trying to get the best out of distributors in some less developed markets is particularly challenging. The traditional non-key account trade is unstructured and characterised by very many players many of whom are opportunists and not interested in…

FMCG Supply Chain - What do all those initials really mean?

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 02, 2011
Like many business functions Supply Chains use multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused in meetings as various initials are quoted and debated…

Yes, you can work in an FMCG Supply Chain and have a sense of humour

Dave Jordan Mon, Jan 24, 2011
Frankly, if you do not have a sense of humour you will be lost in the Supply Chain. Seldom recognised, under paid, under graded, under stress and most of all, misunderstood. The only real fun is reading the sales force accuracy figures and the…

FMCG International Key Accounts (IKA) and Traditional Trade (TT)

Dave Jordan Tue, Jan 18, 2011
I regularly see headlines about how much the IKA sector has suffered in the recession. Expansion plans curtailed; fewer stores opening; CEE not a boom town now etc etc. The ongoing recession has delayed the onward march of the IKA and I think that…

Top 10 Signs Your Route To Market Distribution Programme Worked!

Dave Jordan Fri, Jan 14, 2011
So you evaluated your distribution network and wait to see the promised results? What changed? You are selling more volume - no, not sales in but real Sales Out – and your bottom line looks far healthier. Your Distributors bring well thought-out and…

What has S&OP ever done for us? The role of the CEO

Michael Thompson Tue, Jan 04, 2011
We have started a debate about S&OP - “What has S&OP ever done for us?”. Our protagonists are REGINALD, the CEO of a multinational FMCG company and JACEK the new Head of Supply Chain Development at the same company. Both do not believe that S&OP is…

To S&OP or not to S&OP - That is the question

Michael Thompson Wed, Dec 22, 2010
Our mailbag is expanding ... Sire To S&OP or not to S&OP: That is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The claims and errors of outrageous sales forecasts Or to make plans against a sea of market uncertainties, And by opposing end…

Exactly What Does An FMCG RTM Distribution Assessment Deliver?

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 21, 2010
In the past week I have met two Sales Directors from blue-chip FMCG companies to discuss an assessment review of their RTM network. Surprisingly, neither Director was interested and gave a remarkably aligned reason for this rejection. “All this does…

What has S&OP ever done for us? A great deal actually ...

Michael Thompson Fri, Dec 17, 2010
From Monty Python to S&OP via integrated supply chain planning to forecasting and related issues, and a conclusion shared by our two protagonists that S&OP is not really necessary, we received the following in our mailbag ... Dear Mike, I have been…

7 Reasons for Securing an Interim Supply Chain Manager in CEE

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 14, 2010
The recession rumbles on and on and on. Greece, then Ireland; who is next in line for a heavy duty IMF/EU bale out? Should Spain become the next country to hit the financial wall that would send a few shock waves around Europe. So why is Interim…

Santa & Opening Presents - S&OP Putting the Elves in their place

Dave Jordan Mon, Dec 13, 2010
Dear Mr. K Ite, Thank you for your very short note highlighting some minor points; I can see you are a little aggrieved. On behalf of Santa I will attempt to minimise your apparent unease with the S&OP process in the context of the small print in…

Santa & Opening Presents, S&OP the Elves Respond

Michael Thompson Thu, Dec 09, 2010
Dear Santa, I refer to the recent blog article, "Santa & Opening Presents; Why S&OP is Invaluable at Christmas". As I mentioned in the consultation process just prior to S&OP implementation, I was prepared on behalf of our members to support the…

Is S&OP Really Necessary? Forecasting & Supply Chain Responsiveness

Michael Thompson Wed, Dec 08, 2010
Last time we started a debate entitled “Is S&OP really necessary?”. Our protagonists are REGINALD, the CEO of a multinational FMCG company and JACEK the new Head of Supply Chain Development at the same company.Both do not believe that S&OP is really…

Santa & Opening Presents - Why S&OP is Invaluable at Christmas

Dave Jordan Mon, Dec 06, 2010
“Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh…” How many of you actually started to sing then? Yes, the festive period is fast approaching and the biggest and best Supply Chain in the world is almost ready to activate. There is no way Santa…

The Role of Integrated Supply Chain Planning

Michael Thompson Thu, Dec 02, 2010
Having met the protagonists, let’s see if S&OP is really necessary. First, let’s remind ourselves of the players: REGINALD is CEO of a multinational FMCG company.He does not believe that S&OP is necessary for his business and expressed his views in…

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