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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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Is this the most perfect FMCG or Pharma or Drinks Supply Chain ever?

Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 01, 2014
I will not reveal the name of the organisation for obvious reasons but their Supply Chain is one very impressive, slick machine. Across the Source, Plan, Make and Deliver Supply Chain disciplines we can see excellence and leading edge systems and…

FMCG/Pharma Supply Chain: Much more than source, plan, make & deliver

Dave Jordan Tue, Sep 10, 2013
What supply chains are meant to do has been very well documented but source, plan, make deliver disciplines are the core activities. Add in a potential warehousing and logistics role and if the company is forward thinking, a customer logistics role…

FMCG Logistics: Are you optimising trucking weight & volume capacity?

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 21, 2013
I crossed a border in Eastern Europe recently and although the private and car traffic sailed through without delay there were a surprising number of trucks parked in a snake on the approach roads. Both countries are in the EU so I guess someone was…

FMCG Route To Market in D&E: Producer DC Errors Don’t Help

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 30, 2013
“There is always somebody worse off than you” is a commonly rolled out piece of wisdom when somebody thinks life is unfair or hard. In reality this wisdom applies to all but the most unhealthy, unfortunate or poorest people on the planet but in the…

Supply Chain can affect your marriage: Inventory control

Stefan Cucu Wed, Jan 23, 2013
It is a pleasure to introduce our guest blogger Stefan Cucu, who is an experienced tri-lingual (Romanian/English/French) supply chain consultant. His 20+ years experience include a wide variety of supply chain operational roles with blue-chip FMCG…

FMCG Drinks : The Downton Abbey Supply Chain Drama

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 21, 2012
The ancient Rolls Royce slowly chugged up the lane toward the big house. The thin wheels crunched at the white gravel as the car came to a halt opposite the imposing doors of the Abbey House. A full squad of staff in white and black livery was…

FMCG 3PLP partnerships: A happy marriage? Avoid divorce.

Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 01, 2012
Marriage is quite a project, isn’t it? You take a look at what is on the market and get to know a few possibilities. You may search for a long time to find the right partner who will sweep you off your feet and eventually carry you over the…

FMCG, Brewing & Pharmaceuticals: Try sharing 3PLPs

Dave Jordan Mon, Oct 15, 2012
The proposal by the UK and other Commonwealth governments to share diplomatic missions and facilities around the world is perhaps initially surprising but for once in the world of diplomacy, it makes great sense. When most of the activities taking…

FMCG/Fuel Forecast Accuracy: Forget Flying Fears

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 12, 2012
I have just arrived back from a great holiday full of sun, sand, sea and sacks of candy-floss which inevitably inspired me to write. I was already in my late twenties when I first flew primarily due to an irrational fear of flying. As a conscious…

Space Constraints in a 3PLP FMCG/Pharma Warehouse

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 24, 2012
Possibly the most jaw-dropping and least welcome question I will ever hear. A question that brings me to the depths of despair certainly, rapidly and without warning. A question that is worse than being asked to appear on Big Brother – well almost.…

Managing Supply Chain Expectations via Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Dave Jordan Mon, Jun 04, 2012
If you don’t agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything but success is likely. You buy a new car and you get a contract that tells you what is covered by the guarantee and for how long in time or in…

CEE Logistics 3PLP Tendering: Elvis Presley Sings Sense

Dave Jordan Thu, May 17, 2012
Last week we watched a show featuring an Elvis Presley impersonator/tribute artist. We saw the usual early Elvis leather jacket look followed by the gaudy Las Vegas fancy dress outfit. Vocally, he was a very good match to recordings but not sure how…

FMCG Logistics, Transport, Trucks and Yorkie Bars

Dave Jordan Mon, Apr 16, 2012
“I like trucking, I like trucking, I like trucking and I like to truck.” Those of you who have not been on the planet very long and people who like hedgehogs will not be familiar with this Not The 9 O’clock News ditty from the UK in 1979-82. The…

Get your FMCG Balkan Supply Chain ready for EU accession

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 21, 2012
The EU has not welcomed any new member states since Bulgaria and Romania joined the club in 2007 but there is quite a queue knocking on the door and expecting the ok over the next few years. The hopefuls include a number of Southern European Balkan…

Recession affects FMCG warehouse capacity in CEE / Romania

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 22, 2012
The car bounced over the dirt road of potholes and approached the expansive, looming warehouse building that was once so full of life and bustling activity. Paper and plastic fast–food litter gathered up by the breeze blew across the distribution…

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