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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.

FMCG: Will retailing the Amazon way see off the discounters?

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 14, 2015
Romania has not yet bought into online FMCG supermarket retailing in a big way. There have been some trials, tribulations and a few errors but online retailing here is this nothing like on the scale seen in UK, for example. As a tourist in…

FMCG Success Story: Focus on Customers - see the Benefits

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 07, 2015
Once upon a time there was an FMCG company that I will refer to as “Foresight”. “Foresight” had spent many years and many Euros creating an acknowledged slick Supply Chain. Top class regional and global buying Flexible and cost effective factory…

FMCG: Driving success through Integrated Business Planning (IBP)

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 30, 2015
The sun is shining high in the sky and you are driving your Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet 2.0 TDi with the top down on a six lane highway. There is a long drive ahead for you and your three friends but with this car on this road things should turn out…

FMCG: S&OP morphing into Integrated Business Planning (IBP)?

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 23, 2015
I speak to many FMCG companies who tell me they do not need Sales & Operational Planning in their businesses. As a formal process they may not be operating to S&OP norms but if they are getting their products onto shelves then some form of S&OP must…

FMCG: What does S&OP bring to the party? Sales success of course!

Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 17, 2015
During my recent travels I met with two Sales (or Business Development Directors if you’re posh) from well known FMCG companies to discuss an assessment review of their Route To Market (RTM) networks. Surprisingly, neither was interested and gave a…

FMCG Supply Chain & the Rugby World Cup

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 09, 2015
The Rugby World Cup is upon us once more and this time it is in the northern hemisphere and in UK. Therefore rain can be expected throughout the tournament. Rugby is a strange sport in some ways. The forwards are the incredibly big blokes (yes, and…

FMCG Route to Market – the Warehouse to Customer journey

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 02, 2015
Your Supply Chain has been revised, optimised, transformed or even blue sky’d – yes, honestly have been present when this was used but managed to stifle a guffaw into a cup of hot chocolate. What a smooth running well oiled machine it has become.…

FMCG Supply Chain: Do you use data or information?

Dave Jordan Thu, Aug 27, 2015
Who coined “Big Data”? How did we get there without normal sized data, slightly larger data, chubby data and bordering on big data? People working in or associated with Supply Chains seem obsessed by data yet data itself actually tells you nothing.…

FMCG Drinks Route to Market – let’s get fizzical in CEE

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 19, 2015
In a past life I ran the Supply Chain for an FMCG company in the 6 Gulf Co-Operation Council (GCC) countries plus Yemen in the Middle East. The Distribution model was one different legal entity per territory even for the largest market of Saudi…

FMCG Performance Scorecard: Not seeing the wood for the trees!

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 12, 2015
When travelling, my personal preference is to take only one plane to my final destination. I know this is more expensive than journeys with connections but I find it a much better overall experience. Of course, sometimes I do have to transit and I…

FMCG Supply Chain Scorecard Performance Measurement: Del-Boy Style....

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 05, 2015
In a related post I took a look at the use of Balanced Scorecards in FMCG, Brewing and Pharmaceutical businesses but in fact they are entirely appropriate for any business. Whatever your business size or offering you will benefit from knowing…

FMCG: Performance turn-around needs fresh supply chain faces

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 29, 2015
In the greater scheme of life many questions remain unanswered but my hobby horse question is why people and notably politicians and usually male at that, cannot get on with other nationalities and/or/religions. We are not here for long yet some…

FMCG warehouse capacity in Romania: A Short Story

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 22, 2015
The car bounced over the dirt road of potholes and puddles and approached the expansive, looming warehouse building that was once so full of life and bustling activity. Paper and polystyrene fast–food litter gathered up by the breeze blew across the…

FMCG: ERP’s – how will you cope when yours fails?

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 15, 2015
Yes I know, the recent blog posts have been a little Blog Gold meets Classic Blog with a touch of All Our Yesterdays and the History Channel but here is a fresh new offering. The last few months have been very busy both on the business and domestic…

FMCG: Do S&M cause pain in your business?

Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 10, 2015
No, honestly this is a blog about FMCG Supply Chains! Those seeking advice on leather whips and chains should return to Google and search again now. Within any FMCG business are there any people lacking more in structure, discipline and planning as…

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