Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.
FMCG Supply Chain: Famous Last Words
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 03, 2015
The “Famous Last words” of people can be intriguing, rude and frequently very, very funny yet equally they can be complete nonsense. In the context of the FMCG Supply Chain, “Famous Last Words” are usually uttered just before something disastrous or…
FMCG: Costs and Supply Chain Excellence
Dave Jordan Wed, May 27, 2015
I recently had a lengthy discussion with someone from the UK Armed Forces who was preparing to lead his men into a dangerous part of the world. I enquired about the logistics of delivering people, arms, ammunition and machines to the right place at…
FMCG:Top 10 Smash Hits of Warehousing & Logistics
Dave Jordan Wed, May 20, 2015
Hello pop pickers, here is this weeks’ top 10 smash hits in this important but often forgotten part of the FMCG Supply Chain. At number 10 is All Systems Go by Donna Summer – Do not cut costs on your Warehouse Management System (WMS) and avoid any…
FMCG SKU Proliferation: How this affects your Customer Service
Dave Jordan Wed, May 13, 2015
FMCG SKUs sneak onto price lists when nobody is looking! Sales & Marketing colleagues prefer new launches to have lengthy lists of SKUs; different flavours, different sizes, different colours, different shapes. How many shelf facings do they want…
7 Deadly FMCG Sins: Overstocked Traditional Trade Distributors
Dave Jordan Wed, May 06, 2015
Sorry to be a little direct right at the start but make no mistake Mr/Mrs. FMCG Producer, YOU put the stock there, oh yes you did! Distributors don't buy stock for a laugh and a giggle as they like full shelves. Excess stock blocks up their shelves…
FMCG Distribution: Route Planning & IKEA Shopping Chaos
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 29, 2015
Ok, I know I should not have gone there. It was Sunday and well before the live Premier League football on the TV. The weather was cold, the air was full of drizzle and as I turned off the overgrown roundabout the scale of my folly dawned; the IKEA…
FMCG's Working With 3PLP’s - Shrinking the "shrinkage" problem.
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 22, 2015
People over a certain age talk about times when they could leave their front doors open or when you found money on the pavement and took it to a police station. Long-gone days, sadly. Nowadays, if you leave your front door open all you belongings…
FMCG Traditional Trade Distribution: A letter to the Drinks Agony Aunt
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 15, 2015
Dear Drinks Agony Aunt, I have reached the end of my patience. I’m drinking too much coffee, too much beer, I smoke like a chimney, I’m not eating properly and I just cannot sleep. I have not managed to watch or play any of my favourite sports and…
FMCG Distributors: 7 Ways to avoid inventory overstocking
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 08, 2015
If you still rely on Traditional Trade (TT) distribution for a significant part of your business then read on! Over-stocking Distributors happens by stealth and the consequences creep up on you until suddenly and without warning you hit a brick wall…
FMCG: The most perfect Supply Chain in the history of the universe?
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 01, 2015
I will not reveal the name of the organisation for obvious reasons but their Supply Chain is clearly one very impressive, slick machine. Across the Source, Plan, Make and Deliver Supply Chain disciplines we can see excellence and leading edge…
FMCG Supply Chain: The Top 10 Smash Hits (with a twist)
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 25, 2015
The worlds of Supply Chain and popular music may be strange bed fellows but if you look closely you will see many a smash hit have a supply chain theme. Let us take a tongue-in-cheek look at the latest Supply Chain charts. I Want My ERP – Sting is…
FMCG Supply Chain Language; What do we really mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 18, 2015
If you are honest you have probably sat bored in an airport lounge waiting for your inevitably delayed flight and listened in on a conversation. Go on, admit it! If the discussion topic is not one with which you are familiar it can be as if you are…
FMCG: 7 Reasons to engage an Interim Supply Chain Manager
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 11, 2015
The global recession rumbles on and on and on like Coronation Street – which will end first? Once again it is Greece holding out a cap for another IMF/EU bale out? Spain and others remain on the brink and France/Germany seem to be keeping their own…
FMCG Supply Chain Consultants: A lot of Fiction & 1 Fact!
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 04, 2015
Some FMCG organisations are comfortable with the idea of using consultants while others avoid them like the plague. Having been on both sides of the fence with respect to supply chain consultancy services I can appreciate the pros and cons for each…
FMCG Shades of Greys: Parallel & Counterfeit Trade
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 25, 2015
Probably sitting at number two in the most popular excuses offered when FMCG sales did not happen as planned is parallel or grey trade. Without doubt greys, “passing off” and counterfeits can have an impact on FMCG sales but I was surprised how they…