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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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“Lean” FMCG/Drinks factory operations mean excess manpower

Dave Jordan Mon, Feb 04, 2013
Back in the days when the only reality TV was live sport, a tablet got rid of your headache and a mobile was a normal phone with a longer cable, I used to run a large FMCG factory. Long before TPM was implemented the factory cost base was huge and…

FMCG S&OP: Enabling change as good as the best CEO

Dave Jordan Mon, Dec 17, 2012
Nearly the year end. Have you started planning for that party? Are the presents all sorted out? Cards ready before the final posting date? No, I thought not. All the fuss will be over before you know it and then January will see the usual raft of…

FMCG Home Alone Demand Planning & Forecasting - Out of stock

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 13, 2012
Senior Management has again flown off to UK to visit the heiress and attempt to single-handedly bring the UK retail economy out of recession. Look out for a blip in Birmingham when the Q4 figures are released as the plastic is in for vigorous…

Roberto Di Matteo and Managing Supply Chain Change

Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 22, 2012
Sorry to repeat myself but Roman Abramovich is like a man who constantly returns cheese to the supermarket complaining it is mouldy and nobody is brave enough to tell him it is Roquefort. I can hardly believe I write that same text only 262 days…

FMCG Drinks : The Downton Abbey Supply Chain Drama

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 21, 2012
The ancient Rolls Royce slowly chugged up the lane toward the big house. The thin wheels crunched at the white gravel as the car came to a halt opposite the imposing doors of the Abbey House. A full squad of staff in white and black livery was…

RTM Logistics: Getting your “stuff” onto shelves for consumers to buy

Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 15, 2012
You may well have another corporate buzz term for the getting your products onto shelves, into restaurants and into coolers but the title above is simple and succinct. You may use Route to Market, Go to Market or Distribution but they all have the…

Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) : the CEO needs to get a grip

Dave Jordan Tue, Nov 13, 2012
People ask me what is it like working in Supply Chain and my usual reply is “wetting yourself in a dark suit. You get a warm feeling but nobody notices”. If everything is progressing well then at best you are ignored but when something goes wrong in…

FMCG 3PLP partnerships: A happy marriage? Avoid divorce.

Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 01, 2012
Marriage is quite a project, isn’t it? You take a look at what is on the market and get to know a few possibilities. You may search for a long time to find the right partner who will sweep you off your feet and eventually carry you over the…

FMCG/Brewing/Pharma CEO Performance Appraisal

Dave Jordan Wed, Oct 24, 2012
FMCG/Brewing/Pharma CEO Performance Appraisal Name: This Couldbeyou Location: Anywhere Role: CEO Sector: FMCG/Brewing/Pharmaceutical Summary of Performance The local economy continues to struggle in the difficult global economic climate and perhaps…

SC IT. The reality of ERP implementation and go-live preparedness

Dave Jordan Mon, Oct 22, 2012
I am not a fan of reality TV at all. These programmes seem to promote the worst in people and you end up with “celebrities” who actually have no talent and in most cases, fewer brains. Seeking more than their usually allotted 15 minutes of fame they…

FMCG, Brewing & Pharmaceuticals: Try sharing 3PLPs

Dave Jordan Mon, Oct 15, 2012
The proposal by the UK and other Commonwealth governments to share diplomatic missions and facilities around the world is perhaps initially surprising but for once in the world of diplomacy, it makes great sense. When most of the activities taking…

5 Reasons to Improve FMCG Factory Performance in Recession

Dave Jordan Thu, Oct 11, 2012
There remains so much discussion and debate around planning, S&OP and APO etc that the “make” element of Supply Chain has not had much air time. Regional and global strategies are reasonably well represented but it is what is actually going on…

FMCG/Pharma: How a wagging SKU tail knocks companies off-balance

Dave Jordan Tue, Oct 09, 2012
When the biology teacher tells you humans have a tail your ears prick up and you wait for the punch line and inevitable student guffaw. But it’s true! Our coccyx or tailbone is what remains of our lost tail. All mammals have a tail at one point in…

Is APO music to your Supply Chain ears.........ABBA?

Dave Jordan Fri, Oct 05, 2012
There are many ways to link all the different planning activities in your FMCG company. This could be done with one single tool like the SAP Advanced Planning Optimiser or a host of other tools and packages. As with all IT you need to know how to…

Quarter 4 Opportunities for FMCG, Brewing and Pharma Companies

Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 27, 2012
Hold on a minute, how did we get to this time in the year? I know time appears to hasten as you grow older but this year has flown by. One minute we were eagerly awaiting the Olympics and now we heading directly into a northern hemisphere winter and…

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