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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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FMCG/Pharma: How a wagging SKU tail knocks companies off-balance

Dave Jordan Tue, Oct 09, 2012
When the biology teacher tells you humans have a tail your ears prick up and you wait for the punch line and inevitable student guffaw. But it’s true! Our coccyx or tailbone is what remains of our lost tail. All mammals have a tail at one point in…

FMCG Regional & Global Manufacturing; Is the factory tide turning?

Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 20, 2012
This post on migration and return of retailers to the high street had me thinking about a similar effect in manufacturing. No, I don’t mean FMCG companies are now placing factories in towns and villages next to post offices and fast “food” outlets.…

Return of FMCG international key account retailers to the high street

Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 17, 2012
Not that long ago most of our shopping was done at smart rows of local shops. Every community had a row of mainly family owned shops where you bought everything from Persil soap powder - yes the real soap version – to baked beans to nuts and bolts.…

FMCG/Fuel Forecast Accuracy: Forget Flying Fears

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 12, 2012
I have just arrived back from a great holiday full of sun, sand, sea and sacks of candy-floss which inevitably inspired me to write. I was already in my late twenties when I first flew primarily due to an irrational fear of flying. As a conscious…

FMCG RTM Distributor Network: Never a good time to assess?

Dave Jordan Thu, Aug 02, 2012
There is never a good time to go on a residential training course or put the car in for an overdue lengthy service or the annual visit to the in-laws or even English homework - why was the American cowboy series High Chaparral so much more…

Space Constraints in a 3PLP FMCG/Pharma Warehouse

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 24, 2012
Possibly the most jaw-dropping and least welcome question I will ever hear. A question that brings me to the depths of despair certainly, rapidly and without warning. A question that is worse than being asked to appear on Big Brother – well almost.…

FMCG CEO : An important reunion with S&OP

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 18, 2012
Here at Missing Pieces/Fractured Families/Long Lost Family – delete as per local programming presented by irritating celebrity – we help people find family and friends they have not seen for many years. Often, we are a last resort after all other…

FMCG distributor overstocking blocks more than your business

Dave Jordan Tue, Jul 10, 2012
I spent most of last weekend slightly below ground in a hot, dirty, smelly hole without light and where you could not stand up properly. No, it was not the driver’s room at your 3PLP but it was the hole in the ground that provides water to the…

Silo & Obstructional Priorities (S&OP) in FMCG

Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 20, 2012
Today I am getting ready to do business in my nameless dysfunctional FMCG business. For “FMCG” you can substitute ANY business sector you wish. I pull on my tough walking boots that will do very well at hiking and climbing and dealing with any water…

FMCG/Pharma; Olympic level performance or over-stocking the trade?

Dave Jordan Sun, Jun 17, 2012
The London Olympic Games 2012 are getting very close. The Olympic flame is on a tour of the UK before it finally (and hopefully on time) reaches the Olympic stadium to light the cauldron to mark the start of the games. As the flame has to pass…

Managing Supply Chain Expectations via Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Dave Jordan Mon, Jun 04, 2012
If you don’t agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything but success is likely. You buy a new car and you get a contract that tells you what is covered by the guarantee and for how long in time or in…

FMCG Supply Chain - how green and environmentally friendly is yours?

Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 25, 2012
I have always thought it a little strange. The “green “ movement is all about saving the Earth yet the same colour is used for “green” house gases (GHG) that are far from green and moving us towards unavoidable planetary oblivion, apparently. Now,…

FMCG Supply Chain: 5 Top Tips to ease the pain of a factory closure

Dave Jordan Mon, Apr 23, 2012
Never easy. Never pleasant. Never going to happen? Never believe your factory is safe! From a UK perspective if you had a job in a factory in the 1970’s you expected to have a job for life as long as you kept your nose clean and performed…

FMCG Route To Market (RTM): Talking Heads Discussion – Part 2

Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 04, 2012
Same small table, same two blokes, same close up camera shot. In the last RTM talking Heads episode we ended with Jeff hurriedly departing for the corner shop to see if the M&Ms Route To Market was intact or in trouble! Mal: Why the long face? Jeff:…

FMCG Route To Market (RTM): Talking Heads Discussion Part 1

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 28, 2012
Small table, two blokes, close up camera shot. Mal: RTM. Jeff: What’s that then, Malaysian TV station? Mal: No. Jeff: Oh, it’s the IATA code for The Hague airport where they send all the war criminals. Mal: Er, no. It’s the business. Jeff: What…

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