Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.
Guide to FMCG Supply Chain – Digital
Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 09, 2021
Welcome to the Digital edition of our FMCG supply chain guide. The related Source, Plan, Make & Deliver overview articles can be found here. Each discipline is a key room in the Enchange Supply Chain House which provides a guide to your supply chain…
FMCG Deposit Return Scheme: An Introduction
Dave Jordan Tue, Jun 01, 2021
A quick internet search revealed 129 examples where the initials DRS are used to describe something or a body or a process. While many are obscure, very obscure, two from the sporting arena and one from IT will be familiar to many readers. In motor…
Guide to FMCG Supply Chain – Deliver Function
Dave Jordan Wed, May 26, 2021
Welcome to the Deliver edition of our FMCG supply chain guide. The related Source, Plan and Make overview articles can be found here. Each discipline is a key room in the Enchange Supply Chain House which provides a guide to your supply chain…
How to Identify Your FMCG Distribution Weaknesses & Strengths
Ross Marie Mon, May 24, 2021
I recently started a blog series on indirect distribution by sharing our step-by-step approach to drive and develop distributor performance. We call this the Distributor Partner (DP) Development Programme. The programme has eight modules, across…
Guide to FMCG Supply Chain – Make Function
Dave Jordan Thu, May 20, 2021
Welcome to the Make edition of our FMCG supply chain guide, a centrally located room in the Enchange Supply Chain House. Previously we have looked at the Planning and Sourcing functions and those overview articles can be found here. The Make…
The 8 Critical Areas You Must Focus on When Selecting FMCG Distributors
Ross Marie Tue, May 18, 2021
I recently started a blog series on indirect distribution by sharing our step-by-step approach to drive and develop distributor performance. We call this the Distributor Partner (DP) Development Programme. The programme has eight modules, across…
Guide to FMCG Supply Chain – Sourcing Function
Dave Jordan Wed, May 12, 2021
Recently, I introduced you to the Enchange Supply Chain House; the one stop shop for all of the elements you need to allow your supply chain to operate effectively. The all-encompassing Planning function was the focus of the most recent article and…
Guide to FMCG Supply Chain - Planning Function
Dave Jordan Wed, May 05, 2021
Last week I introduced you to the Enchange Supply Chain House; a one stop shop/house for the elements you need to allow your supply chain to operate effectively. The Enchange Supply Chain House is a simple and easy to understand reference model…
Drive FMCG Distributor Performance by First Mastering Your Own RtM Strategy
Ross Marie Thu, Apr 29, 2021
I recently started a blog series on indirect distribution. I began by examining the 10 biggest challenges Route to Market (RtM) leaders face in managing FMCG Distributors. Then in response to this in my last post I shared our step-by-step approach…
FMCG Leaders Guide to Supply Chain Excellence
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 28, 2021
I mentioned in a recent article that my educational background is in chemistry but I stumbled into supply chain in the undulating sands of the Saudi Arabian desert. Later, I remember talking to former R&D colleagues about my new vocation and was met…
Supply Chain Macbeth S&OP Soliloquy
Dave Jordan Fri, Apr 23, 2021
On 23 April we celebrate St George's Day and the birthday of William Shakespeare (also the date he died!). William wrote on many diverse subjects but here is one piece you will not find in a collection of his greatest works. I wonder what would the…
FMCG Foods Turnaround: A successful S&OP Case Study
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 21, 2021
I know, I know. I know I am prone to rattle on about Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) but seeing the benefits being delivered to previously struggling businesses is extremely motivating for a confirmed “techy” like myself. Not permitted…
Do Spreadsheets Undermine Your ERP?
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 14, 2021
Despite what you may wish to believe the answer is almost certainly, yes. You have invested heavily in brand new ERP software and a similar investment in some smart, young consultancy people to run the implementation. You will have spent some…
The Step-by-Step Guide to Deliver World Class FMCG Distributor Performance
Ross Marie Thu, Apr 08, 2021
In my last post we discussed the biggest challenges that a Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) company could face when managing the ‘last mile’ of the Route to Market (RtM). Once we have examined the challenges and the pitfalls in managing distributors or…
FMCG ERP – how will you cope when yours fails?
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 07, 2021
The last few months have been remarkably busy on both the business and domestic fronts. COVID 19 and other challenges have ensured there was little time to rest over the Christmas season and 2021 has started off in the same vein. What does the rest…