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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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Evaluate your FMCG Route to Market Distributor Network

Dave Jordan Tue, Aug 10, 2010
FMCG producers seem far too ready to blame their Distributors when sales do not go to plan and targets are not met. However, it is not all their fault particularly if you are not clear on what is expected of them. To assist FMCG Producers to…

S&OP (Sails & Operational Planning) – Disaster saved by the Team

Michael Thompson Thu, Aug 05, 2010
I had planned to write something about the importance of teamwork & S&OP & then try & link it to sailing – this would be an easy association. And then a real live incident made the story for me. We finally set sail again – break in the weather - &…

Supply Chain Project Management in Africa:is Africa really different?

Dianna Vorpagel Thu, Aug 05, 2010
Once you have arrived at the office to start your new project, with a new management team and a new project team, many things about successful project management are the same all over the world. Top management support is essential Communication,…

S&OP (Sails & Operational Planning) – Balanced Scorecard

Michael Thompson Wed, Aug 04, 2010
After the grand total of 1 days sailing during the first week – the Mistral is back again & we are port bound - moral is flagging. ‘Customer service levels’ are dropping. This mind is wandering. Time for some nautical S&OP stuff again. Let’s…

FMCG Sales Director Publicly Thanks Supply Chain Colleague!

Dave Jordan Tue, Aug 03, 2010
No, of course it’s not true but I bet it grabbed your attention! If there is a more put down, criticised and unrecognised function in any FMCG/Pharma company then I would like to hear about it. Supply Chain is routinely the brunt of complaints from…

S&OP (Sails & Operational Planning) – Defining Customer Service

Michael Thompson Mon, Aug 02, 2010
We finally got going (sailing that is) yesterday when the wind dropped to a breezy Force 4 on the beam (that’s from the side) - wonderful sailing weather. And it was marvellous – whizzing along at 7-8 knots. Mind wandering territory again ...…

“People and Process lead – IT supports” Regional & Global S&OP Critical Success Factors

Christian Cusworth Fri, Jul 30, 2010
This is a debate that I am starting to loose, I’ll stick with it though at least until such time as IT systems develop intelligence and personality. The theoretical debate on the role of IT in S&OP will of course run for a long time, hence this…

A gift from the FMCG Drinks Distribution Agony Aunt

Dave Jordan Fri, Jul 30, 2010
Dear Frustrated of FMCG Drinks, Thank you for your letter, which was a delight to read. Believe me; you are not alone in having such feelings and concerns. There is nothing worse than seeing the world’s greatest drinks salesman shining downand not…

S&OP – that’s Sails & Operational Planning

Michael Thompson Fri, Jul 30, 2010
It’s amazing how the mind wanders when one is stuck. In my case I have just started a sailing holiday with family in tow. Here we are in the South of France west of Marseille, boat at the ready & raring to go. Problem – there is a Mistral blowing.…

S&OP Regional/Global Critical Success Factors:"We are communicating"

Christian Cusworth Fri, Jul 23, 2010
This week’s success factors cover the areas of organisation and people when developing S&OP. Some time ago the president of a major CEE trading group summarised the outcomes of a business wide S&OP implementation in three words “we are…

Viva Africa United :World Cup Business Improvement

Michael Thompson Tue, Jul 13, 2010
Well its over & the African showcase that was the World Cup has finished. As Spain (deservedly) celebrates and the circus leaves town, I am left to wonder “what next” for the continent? Thankfully I am not the only one in a similar reflective mood.…

Regional & Global FMCG S&OP - Critical Success Factors

Christian Cusworth Mon, Jul 12, 2010
The following blogs will address key points of consideration when embarking on a regional or global S&OP implementation. Part one covers the areas of End Market commitment & ownership and Process Design. End Market commitment & ownership: End Market…

A letter to the FMCG Drinks Distribution Agony Aunt

Dave Jordan Fri, Jul 09, 2010
Dear Agony Aunt, I have reached the end of my patience. I’m drinking too much coffee, I smoke like a chimney, I’m not eating properly and I just cannot sleep. I did not see any of the World Cup nor Wimbledon and now even my kids call me Uncle Dad as…

Oh Ghana: Supply Chain Progress denied by the hand of Suarez

Michael Thompson Tue, Jul 06, 2010
Oh Ghana, Ghana! wherefore art thou Ghana? Deny thy goal by penalty in the last minute of extra time and refuse thy destiny; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn to do better in the shoot out, And we’ll no longer be denied an African team in the…

The players in a high performing Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 05, 2010
There are no individuals in this team. This is a team where the whole is far greater than the sum of the parts. The Supply Chain operates quietly and often in the background but is an essential team for any business. Team Sheet Goal Keeper S&OP –…

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