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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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The Top 10 Smash Hits of FMCG Route to Market Distribution (RTM)

Dave Jordan Thu, Oct 07, 2010
This weeks’ top 10 looks at FMCG Route To Market Distribution - how do you get your product onto shelves? Straight in at number 10 is Queen with One Vision – Work with Distributors that have a clearly defined strategy in place. If they know what…

The Top 10 Smash Hits of FMCG Sales & Operational Planning

Dave Jordan Tue, Sep 28, 2010
What a week it’s been. Plenty of S&OP tracks moving up the charts this week and some old favourites still hanging on – but only just. At number 10 it’s We Don’t Talk Anymore from Cliff Richard – A sign you need an S&OP process. When did you last…

Selling via FMCG/Drinks Distributors in CEE: That’s easy, isn’t it?

Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 20, 2010
No. If this was true there would be no space on the beach as it would be full of CEE Producer Sales Directors. Leave the Marketing guys to enjoy the beach. Does your Distributor have a clear understanding of their potential universe? Small…

Senior Management Commitment Works for Successful S&OP

Keith Marshall Mon, Sep 20, 2010
Research and experience has shown that where companies view Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) as a supply chain process and planning system it invariably fails to deliver the expected results and benefits. Conversely where S&OP is seen as the…

Romania Route To Market (RTM) : Relationships Matter

Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 20, 2010
There are many reasons why all sorts of relationships fail even after several years of partnership. Boredom, infidelity, money problems etc, etc but look at it a different way and consider what is it that makes relationships last and prosper? Photo…

Update your Supply Chain or risk ending up in Pennsylvania!

Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 20, 2010
Before you ask, no there is nothing wrong with Pennsylvania. I found it to be a great place with the most helpful tourist office I have ever visited. Bear with me and I will get back to this later and also introduce Polly. “We have always done it…

Manage Distributor/Route To Market (RTM) Networks:The Full Package!

Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 09, 2010
As the recession struggles on and governments continue to drip feed “corrections “ into national economies, e.g. VAT rises 19-24%, FMCG markets are spluttering. Discretionary spending is under tremendous pressure and items previously seen as simple…

Romania Route To Market (RTM): Your Demand Or My Target?

Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 09, 2010
"Yes, I know what you said you could sell but this is my target!" An all too familiar "demand discussion" between Producer Sales Rep and Distributor Manager. The Producer may operate a tight S&OP process but this commonly falls flat on its face with…

Fourth Party Logistics (4PLP); what this means for your Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Tue, Sep 07, 2010
While third-party logistics outsourcing is accepted business practice (though not without risk), corporations are now looking to outsource to a single partner who will assess, design, build, run and measure integrated comprehensive supply chain…

FMCG Inventory/Stock Levels can cause chaos in your company

Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 01, 2010
If you seek to run a slick Supply Chain you should aim to have your key sku’s in one place where they are easy to find. These 3 insights into holding too much inventory are now in one place. Why it happens How to avoid Solutions Do you agree? If I…

FMCG/Pharma S&OP; a healthy obsession?

Christian Cusworth Tue, Aug 24, 2010
Reading through commentary and professional opinion on the subject of S&OP, best practice processes, its alignment to ERP etc, it’s pretty clear that raving about the importance of embedding S&OP will always grab popular support and light applause.…

More on FMCG Sales Director Publicly Thanks Supply Chain Colleague!

Dave Jordan Tue, Aug 24, 2010
Ouch! Did I touch a nerve there? I think I did judging by the reaction but a good debate is always worth having. I have been challenged to expand on my top ten moans and explain precisely what I mean and why the criticism is not always fair. Here…

A “Lite” Approach to S&OP

Christian Cusworth Tue, Aug 17, 2010
Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) has been used by companies now for many years as the planning process that provides “one set of numbers” for the organisation on which to base its business planning. In many countries and cultures S&OP in its…

S&OP (Sails & Operational Planning) – Consensus

Michael Thompson Mon, Aug 16, 2010
The CEO listened while the Commercial Director & Supply Chain Director tried to reach an agreement during the monthly S&OP meeting. Not only was he disappointed to hear a version of the same arguments from previous months (“we are short of stock…

Evaluate your FMCG Route to Market Distributor Network

Dave Jordan Tue, Aug 10, 2010
FMCG producers seem far too ready to blame their Distributors when sales do not go to plan and targets are not met. However, it is not all their fault particularly if you are not clear on what is expected of them. To assist FMCG Producers to…

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