Interim Management is an approach used by companies to “make things happen” within a clear budget and without the headaches of recruiting a full time employee (FTE). The benefits are numerous but initially……
Immediate access to expert supply chain skills and experience in your sector.
No hidden extras. You pay the daily fee rate and expenses; no more, no less.
Training for your staff to ensure supply chain knowledge and skills imparted and retained.
Experienced supply chain interim managers available now at all levels of seniority.
Remove internal hurdles and barriers to change.
International experience gained from working in many countries, companies and in relevant sectors.
Motivated to achieve results to tight time and cost objectives.
Maintain the resource while you need it without any financial burden at contract end.
Avoid permanent employee costs which are significant.
No inconvenient holidays, training courses or conferences.
Ability to challenge your supply chain status quo and make sustainable change in the business.
Generate savings and efficiency improvements in a short timescale.
Expectations should high be as you are buying international expertise.
Make your business prepared for the competition in difficult economies.
Excellent return on investment.
No political axe to grind and no bias; straightforward advice and actions.
Take a look at the Enchange approach to Interim Management, eave your details via the contact form and we will call you back. If you are not sure you need Interim Management then you probably do!