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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.

FMCG: Performance turn-around needs fresh supply chain faces

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 29, 2015
In the greater scheme of life many questions remain unanswered but my hobby horse question is why people and notably politicians and usually male at that, cannot get on with other nationalities and/or/religions. We are not here for long yet some…

FMCG: 7 Reasons to engage an Interim Supply Chain Manager

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 11, 2015
The global recession rumbles on and on and on like Coronation Street – which will end first? Once again it is Greece holding out a cap for another IMF/EU bale out? Spain and others remain on the brink and France/Germany seem to be keeping their own…

FMCG Supply Chain Consultants: A lot of Fiction & 1 Fact!

Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 04, 2015
Some FMCG organisations are comfortable with the idea of using consultants while others avoid them like the plague. Having been on both sides of the fence with respect to supply chain consultancy services I can appreciate the pros and cons for each…

FMCG Opportunity: Time to Spring Clean your Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 14, 2015
Is the market getting any better, really? Many big name companies have announced indifferent Q4/Christmas results recently and all caution about the continuing "difficult market conditions”. Ok, so 2014 has been put to bed financially but many will…

FMCG CEO 2014 Letter to Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas)

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 11, 2014
Dear Santa, I have been a very good FMCG CEO this year, I promise. If you want, you can check with my shareholders. They know how good I have been this year. Apart from the out of stocks of course, oh and the little mistake where we had to write…

RTM: An FMCG Distributor Is For Life: Not Just For Christmas

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 04, 2014
Ok, so maybe not for life but FMCG Distributors will have a significant impact on your sales performance, probably your personal bonus and therefore your CEO career! How have you treated them this year? Were they the usual pain in the proverbial -…

FMCG Christmas Promotional Activity Planning - 7 Top Tips

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 19, 2014
Did you know that the Christmas season originally ran from December 25th to January 6th which was in turn popularly known as the 12 Days of Christmas? Christmas is becoming like old age; it slowly creeps up on you without you really noticing. I can…

FMCG Supply Chain Consultants – Gok, Martha and Jamie...........

Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 12, 2014
My aging Toyota Land Cruiser is about to clock up an impressive 300,000km on roads that are of variable and low quality. Luckily, the car is built like a tank and comes with bull bars on the front or what I like to call a “Dacia Catcher”. (Dacia as…

FMCG 4th Quarter Sales Challenges - some things never change!

Dave Jordan Tue, Oct 14, 2014
I am not going to pretend I wrote this blog once again but when I came to sit down and look at the last quarter of the year I could not really see any difference from last year. The same challenges are clearly there and what is astonishing is that…

FMCG RTM Distribution : How Traditional Trade interaction could work

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 20, 2014
I previously blogged about the reality of FMCG Traditional Trade (TT) Route To Market (RTM) distribution and described the drivers and behaviours in each party as the monthly plans inevitably imploded. Let us now get out the crystal ball and stare…

FMCG Stock Shrinkage happens in the best run operations, even yours!

Dave Jordan Wed, Aug 13, 2014
My colleague Stefan Cucu recently wrote on the subject of stock shrinkage in coolers located in HORECA outlets in Romania. One of the points he made warned Supply Chain professionals about the likelihood of stock shrinkage anywhere along the chain.…

FMCG ERP Selection: Road to success or road to ruin?

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 30, 2014
I know this will not impress Jeremy Clarkson – and why would I want to? - but my first car was a Renault 5. I realise this is possibly only 2 steps up from a classic Citroen 2CV which Jasper Carrott likened to an upturned corrugated crab on wheels.…

FMCG Foods Turnaround: A highly successful S&OP Case Study

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 23, 2014
I know I am prone to rattle on about Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) but seeing the benefits being delivered to previously struggling business is extremely motivating for a confirmed “techy” like myself. If only we could advertise such successes…

FMCG: Top ten tips for totally terrific S&OP – not a fishy tale!

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 16, 2014
I have travelled quite a lot over the years and tried to add one new country each year until I stumbled at 45. Many were holidays but a majority were on business with very few opportunities available to actually see the place. “Oh, you must be so…

FMCG KPIs: Promoting improved performance or blame-storming?

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 09, 2014
Once upon a time I was working in a well-known detergent powder factory in the north of England. The factory manger at the time will remain nameless but he had a habit of dragging people from the production floor to show off the latest gadget or new…

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