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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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SC and Sales senior team squabbles: Always bad for business

Dave Jordan Thu, Jul 05, 2018
Another sign of getting old I guess. When was the last time you watched a football match when no tattoos were on show and the haircuts did not look like something out of the Time Warp musical? As I write England is still involved yet we are all…

FMCG ERP and The Beatles.......? Spreadsheets cause damage.

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 04, 2018
Some time ago I wrote about the way spreadsheets were undermining expensively assembled ERP’s in FMCG, Brewing and Pharmaceutical companies. They still are, by the way. Not too long ago a paper on Public Debt and Austerity published by 2 eminent…

FMCG New Product Development (NPD) is a key part of S&OP

Dave Jordan Mon, Jun 25, 2018
There is enough disruption and discontinuity in supply chains without the necessary evil or pleasure of new product development (NPD) and product change getting in the way. Just when everyone has become used to ordering, storing, picking, delivering…

Supply Chain Analytics helps international retailer in business turn-around

Dave Jordan Thu, Jun 07, 2018
Many will recall that famous Four Yorkshiremen sketch first seen the At Last the 1948 Show and later Monty Python. Four dour characters recall how tough it was when they were younger with each trying to out do the others in a downwards spiral of…

FMCG – Hunker down and find Supply Chain Analytics

Dave Jordan Wed, Jun 06, 2018
Have you ever “hunkered down”? I remember being asked to hunker down during a business game training course many years ago and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Eventually I had to ask as failing to follow the hunker downwards request…

Supply Chain Analytics drives dramatic spare parts inventory reduction

Dave Jordan Thu, May 31, 2018
What business would I like to run or even own? If you had a choice what would it be? A huge global FMCG player or a niche craft brewery in Bourton-on-the-Water? What about starting a pottery in your own home as per the ages old Barclays TV ad? If I…

Key Performance Indicators or just monthly data dumping? 

Dave Jordan Tue, Mar 27, 2018
Last month I spent a few weeks enjoying the UK weather disaster as 10mm of snow brought life to a halt. While there I moved the heiress into her new apartment - not a flat now as student days are over, very posh. Hopefully, that will be the last…

FMCG Supply Chain: Chaff innovation, is it worth it?

Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 07, 2018
By the end of February over 19% of the year will be behind you. Think about that for a minute. If you follow a financial calendar year you probably put your Annual Plan to bed in October and now nearly 20% of the available selling time has already…

FMCG Noddy Holder & Slade Implement S&OP

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 19, 2017
Christmas is coming around faster than ever and who better than Noddy Holder and Slade to celebrate Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP). This festive song has been heard at Christmas every year since 1973! If you have been living in a cave on a…

CEO FMCG Letter to Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas) 2017

Dave Jordan Sun, Dec 17, 2017
Dear Father Christmas,, I have been a very good FMCG CEO this year, I promise. If you want, you can check with my colleagues and shareholders. They know how good I have been this year. Apart from the out of stocks of course, oh and the little…

An FMCG Distributor Is For Life & Not Just For Christmas

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 14, 2017
Ok, so you are unlikley to see this on a car bumper sticker but FMCG Distributors will have a significant impact on your sales performance, probably your variable pay bonus and therefore your CEO aspirations! How have you treated your Distributors…

FMCG Trade Loading & 4th Quarter Challenges - deja vue all over again!

Dave Jordan Mon, Nov 27, 2017
Some things never change and FMCG 4th Quarter challenges certainly do not. The same challenges are clearly present and what is astonishing is that some companies are still making short term, expensive efforts to “make the sales numbers”. I don't…

Supply Chain Analytics: Sprouts, Imodium & Harry Potter

Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 18, 2017
Christmas and new year holidays seem a long way behind. The decorations have been squeezed back into their boxes for another year and Slade, Cliff, Bing, Bowie and others are safely back in their CD cases. Turkeys around the world are rejoicing as…

An FMCG Distributor Is For Life: Not Just For Christmas

Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 21, 2016
Ok, so you are unlikley to see this on a car bumper sticker but FMCG Distributors will have a significant impact on your sales performance, probably your variable pay bonus and therefore your CEO aspirations! How have you treated your Distributors…

FMCG CEO 2016 Letter to Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas)

Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 20, 2016
Dear Santa, I have been a very good FMCG CEO this year, I promise. If you want, you can check with my shareholders. They know how good I have been this year. Apart from the out of stocks of course, oh and the little mistake when we had to write…

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