Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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Who is the stooge in your S&OP process?
Dave Jordan Fri, May 04, 2012
Laurel and Hardy, Morecambe and Wise, Abbott and Costello, Little and Large, Cameron and Clegg. These are examples of double acts where one party plays the straight/stooge and apparently serious man while the other plays the fool/jester. I admit I…
RTM: IKEA chaos theory and why you must optimise Sales Route Planning
Dave Jordan Tue, May 01, 2012
Ok, I know I should not have gone there. It was a Sunday and well before the live football on the TV. The weather was cold and the air was full of drizzle and as I turned off the roundabout the scale of the folly dawned on me; the IKEA car park was…
FMCG Supply Chain - how green and environmentally friendly is yours?
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 25, 2012
I have always thought it a little strange. The “green “ movement is all about saving the Earth yet the same colour is used for “green” house gases (GHG) that are far from green and moving us towards unavoidable planetary oblivion, apparently. Now,…
FMCG Supply Chain: 5 Top Tips to ease the pain of a factory closure
Dave Jordan Mon, Apr 23, 2012
Never easy. Never pleasant. Never going to happen? Never believe your factory is safe! From a UK perspective if you had a job in a factory in the 1970’s you expected to have a job for life as long as you kept your nose clean and performed…
FMCG Logistics, Transport, Trucks and Yorkie Bars
Dave Jordan Mon, Apr 16, 2012
“I like trucking, I like trucking, I like trucking and I like to truck.” Those of you who have not been on the planet very long and people who like hedgehogs will not be familiar with this Not The 9 O’clock News ditty from the UK in 1979-82. The…
Who is the Weakest Link in your Supply Chain
Dave Jordan Thu, Apr 12, 2012
Not since Margaret Thatcher has a woman been so feared. Steely cold eyes and a grin that makes the Mona Lisa look like she is having a good old guffaw. Jet black clothes contribute to her oozing superiority complex and an image of someone certainly…
7 Top Tips to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Integration
Dave Jordan Tue, Apr 10, 2012
The ink is dry on the deal, the celebratory corks have been popped and the lawyers have gone off to bank a small fortune. The projected negotiations to thrash out a deal to buy or merge with another FMCG or other sector company are finally over.…
FMCG Route To Market (RTM): Talking Heads Discussion – Part 2
Dave Jordan Wed, Apr 04, 2012
Same small table, same two blokes, same close up camera shot. In the last RTM talking Heads episode we ended with Jeff hurriedly departing for the corner shop to see if the M&Ms Route To Market was intact or in trouble! Mal: Why the long face? Jeff:…
FMCG Romania : the benefits of Interim Management
Dave Jordan Fri, Mar 30, 2012
Interim Management is an approach used by companies to “make things happen” within a clear budget and without the headaches of recruiting an full time employee (FTE). The benefits are numerous but initially…… Immediate access to expert supply chain…
FMCG Route To Market (RTM): Talking Heads Discussion Part 1
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 28, 2012
Small table, two blokes, close up camera shot. Mal: RTM. Jeff: What’s that then, Malaysian TV station? Mal: No. Jeff: Oh, it’s the IATA code for The Hague airport where they send all the war criminals. Mal: Er, no. It’s the business. Jeff: What…
FMCG, Brewing and Pharma : Famous Last Supply Chain Words
Dave Jordan Fri, Mar 23, 2012
The “Famous Last words” of people can be intriguing, rude and frequently very, very funny just as much as they can be complete nonsense. In the context of Supply Chain, “Famous Last Words” are usually uttered just before something disastrous or…
Get your FMCG Balkan Supply Chain ready for EU accession
Dave Jordan Wed, Mar 21, 2012
The EU has not welcomed any new member states since Bulgaria and Romania joined the club in 2007 but there is quite a queue knocking on the door and expecting the ok over the next few years. The hopefuls include a number of Southern European Balkan…
Top 7 Facts & Fiction of Using Supply Chain Consultants
Dave Jordan Mon, Mar 19, 2012
Some FMCG, Brewing, Pharmaceutical organisations are comfortable with the idea of using consultants while others avoid them like the plague. Having been on both sides of the fence with respect to supply chain consultancy services I can appreciate…
Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement: Del-Boy Style
Dave Jordan Fri, Mar 16, 2012
In a recent post I took a brief look at the use of Balanced Scorecards in FMCG, Brewing and Pharmaceutical businesses but in fact they are entirely appropriate for any business. Whatever your business size or offering you will benefit from knowing…
FMCG Supply Chain Challenges: International Rugby Union.......
Dave Jordan Thu, Mar 15, 2012
Sacred blue, mon petite pois, bonjour as Del Boy would say. Against all odds, a very young and experimental England rugby team defeated France in the 2012 6 Nations. Add in the fact that this match was in France and the home team had not lost there…