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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

Supply Chain: Top 10 Supply Chain faux pas!

Posted by Dave Jordan on Wed, Nov 20, 2024

Morning woes

I have just had one of those mornings. I missed the alarm and the 10-minute snooze and from then on everything went downhill. Jumped in the shower for a brief cleanse but then once waterlogged I realised there was no soap, not even a hotel-like sliver. So, soaking wet I get out, but can I find anything remotely soapy? There was no time to waste so the yellowed William & Kate souvenir tablet had to be sacrificed.

Obviously, that soap was quite a few years old and completely lacking in perfume but if I could generate even a meagre foam that would do the trick. I actually found myself apologising to the Princess as I showered! Finally clean, I quickly sprayed shaving foam under my arms, brushed my teeth with some really vile tasting skin cream and I was set to face the world. Well, I would have been if I hadn’t managed to put my Polo shirt on inside out. Nightmare!

A knotty problem

I know students turn their underwear inside out to get a few days extra wear out of them but for some reason I have started to put shirts on inside out. I was in a Birmingham Vodafone shop with the heiress when she leaned closer and told me what I had done. I just took the shirt off and put it back on again proving that you’re never too old to embarrass your daughter!

Only shoes left before a rushed mobile breakfast before finally getting on my way. How knotted can a simple shoelace get? There are only 2 ends about 40cm apart, yet they get into knots a Rubik’s Cube genius could not release within 48 hours.


Does that sound rather like your Supply Chain?  In sourcing terms, the 2 ends may well be locations continents apart but some of the Supply Chain knots companies get themselves into are incredible. Here is a list of top 10 (there's more) totally terrible Supply Chain knots we have seen in the last 12 months. As ever, no names, no pack drill!


All relatively easily avoidable if only some expert advice had been sought. Some of these problems make my disastrous morning seem like a walk in the park! There is no shame in seeking help from outside of your organisation. You would not usually visit a butcher if you wanted financial advice or seek help on a medical issue from a carpenter. Nothing wrong with butchers and carpenters, they are expert at their precise roles but if you want the best Supply Chain and RtM advice, ask the right people.

Help! I need somebody!

If you have any Supply Chain or Route to Market problems or opportunities you would like to discuss, then please reach out to Enchange.com via telephone, email, or live chat.

Tags: FMCG, Route to Market, Logistics Service Provider, Dave Jordan, Supply Chain, Inventory Management & Stock Control, Spare Parts

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