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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

Route to Market & Supply Chain Interim Management - Top 3 Positions

Posted by Michael Thompson on Fri, Apr 29, 2022

Recently I wrote about 10 Times you need Route to Market or Supply Chain Interim Managers.

I had an excellent response and have since been talking to clients and Enchange colleagues. The discussions have centred around where the need for interim management is greatest.

to-3-rtm-sc-interim-in-post We have found the following to be the Top 3 categories of positions:

  1. Logistics. Skilled logistics managers are in very high demand. These include positions such as Head of Logistics, Logistics Director, Warehouse Manager, Logistics Manager, Network Analyst. These positions are either totally operationally focussed or are looking to reduce operational costs as a focus (e.g. Network Analyst).
  2. Route to Market. RtM experts are also in high demand. The top roles are at senior level and include Commercial Head, Commercial Director, Head of Sales and similar. All of these positions are top line focussed. Common briefs include improvement of market share, market entry, arresting sales or market share decline. In other words – “we need to increase sales and market share …. And we need to do it quickly” are always part of the brief.
  3. Strategists. here is a category of senior supply chain and RtM people that I am calling ‘Strategists’. These people complete our Top 3 and are also very much in demand. The role titles vary and include Head of Supply Chain, Integration Manager, Head of RtM Strategy and so forth. What these positions have in common is a focus on the future and usually the need to define a new direction or significant change. Examples include a change in distribution (e.g. direct to indirect or vice versa), a change in strategic procurement, on-shoring of supply, de-risking of supply chains.

We are providing interim managers in the above categories of positions and expect demand to increase, certainly in the near term.

My conclusions are based upon demand for our services, reactions to my previous blog on the subject and discussions with a relatively small number of people since then.

So I would very much welcome any further comments.

If you need any help on supply chain or route to market issues, including interim management, please reach out to me directly.


Tags: Interim Management, Michael Thompson, Supply Chain, RTM

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