Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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Supply Chains – Managing internal & external 3/4PLP expectations
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 22, 2017
American sit-coms. With very few exceptions I personally do not find them at all funny. At times the funniest part is hearing the hilarious canned laughter when nothing in the least bit humorous occurs. MASH, Taxi and Cheers are the only sit-coms…
Supply Chains – A second look: What do all those initials really mean?
Dave Jordan Wed, Feb 08, 2017
In common with many business functions Supply Chains adopt multiple initials and/or acronyms to describe various tasks and processes they manage on a daily basis. Those not familiar with SC-speak will often sit bemused as various initials are quoted…
Supply Chain Analytics: Sprouts, Imodium & Harry Potter
Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 18, 2017
Christmas and new year holidays seem a long way behind. The decorations have been squeezed back into their boxes for another year and Slade, Cliff, Bing, Bowie and others are safely back in their CD cases. Turkeys around the world are rejoicing as…
FMCG Planning: If you like chocolate, now is the time!
Dave Jordan Wed, Jan 11, 2017
Overeaten chocolate during the holidays but still want some more? Get yourself and a large blue IKEA bag down to your local supermarket as chocolate is heavily discounted. Easter is not far away this year so why not save a little cash and stock up…
An FMCG Distributor Is For Life: Not Just For Christmas
Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 21, 2016
Ok, so you are unlikley to see this on a car bumper sticker but FMCG Distributors will have a significant impact on your sales performance, probably your variable pay bonus and therefore your CEO aspirations! How have you treated your Distributors…
FMCG CEO 2016 Letter to Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas)
Dave Jordan Tue, Dec 20, 2016
Dear Santa, I have been a very good FMCG CEO this year, I promise. If you want, you can check with my shareholders. They know how good I have been this year. Apart from the out of stocks of course, oh and the little mistake when we had to write…
The Twelve Days of Supply Chain 2016
Dave Jordan Mon, Dec 19, 2016
On the first day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me A robust S&OP. On the second day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me Two fine consultants, And a robust S&OP. On the third day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me An ERP go-live, Two fine consultants,…
FMCG CEO Christmas Gift: Implement S&OP – Slade style!
Dave Jordan Fri, Dec 16, 2016
Christmas is coming around faster than ever and who better than Noddy Holder and Slade to give a Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) process to your business as a present. This song has been heard at Christmas every year since 1973! If you have been…
Santa & Opening Presents - S&OP Putting Elves in their place
Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 14, 2016
Dear Mr. K Ite, Thank you for your very short note highlighting some minor points; I can see you are a little aggrieved. On behalf of "Mr Claus I will attempt to minimise your apparent unease with the S&OP process in the context of the very small…
Santa & Opening Presents, S&OP & the Elves Respond
Michael Thompson Mon, Dec 12, 2016
Dear Mr Santa, I refer to the recent blog article, "Santa & Opening Presents; Why S&OP is Invaluable at Christmas". As I mentioned in the consultation process just prior to S&OP implementation, I was prepared on behalf of our members to support the…
Santa & Opening Presents - S&OP is Invaluable at Christmas
Dave Jordan Fri, Dec 09, 2016
“Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh…” How many of you started to sing then? Yes, the festive period is fast approaching and the biggest and best Supply Chain in the world is almost ready to activate. This is always the most…
Case Study: FMCG (Friendly Man Carrying Gifts) RTM (Reindeer To Market)
Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 07, 2016
Client : Santa Claus aka Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, St. Nick or simply Santa Market: A large part of the World Scope: FMCG Reindeer Route To Market Distribution Deliverable: Evaluation of RTM against sector benchmarks In summary, this Enchange…
Logistics Outsource Tendering in CEE - Top 7 Hazards
Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 16, 2016
This process can be straight forward but a little extra care and knowledge will ensure you achieve the best warehousing and/or transport solution for your business. Just a quick reality check, do you need to outsource? Before embarking on a…
Supply Chain Analytics: Is your data providing information & actions?
Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 09, 2016
Who coined the term “Big Data”? How did we get there without tiny data, ordinary data, slightly larger data, chubby data and bordering on big data? People working in or associated with Supply Chains seem obsessed by data yet data itself tells you…
Supply Chain Analytics: The birth of a new Dawn, or Daniel
Dave Jordan Wed, Nov 02, 2016
Anyone expecting their first child has probably been told by a gloating-doting grandparent-to be that their lives are about to change dramatically. This is of course untrue as in reality dramatically is too simple a word and in any event, that…