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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

Your Guide to Getting the Route to Market Edge in 2021

Posted by Ross Marie on Thu, Dec 10, 2020

As we come to the end of a very tough 2020, attention is turning to what the next year will bring.

In FMCG organisations around the world, General Managers, Sales Directors, Heads of Sales and Department Heads, are all scrambling to finish the year as best they can in terms of volume, value and market share terms, without sacrificing the early part of 2021.

However, the focus will soon move to next year, and to the delivery of tough targets. As we have been saying at Enchange for many years, to deliver on your volume targets, focus on your Route to Market strategy and execution, and make it world class.

To help you to do this and to deliver Route to Market improvement, I would like to launch the Enchange step by step guide to reviewing, building and/or transforming your Route to Market Strategy and Execution – It is called the 20 Steps to Route to Market Excellence Implementation Guide.

This guide will take you through each of the 20 Steps to Route to Market Excellence methodology, across the four phases of Assessment, Strategy, Design, and Implementation. It includes key notes and tips for every step and phase and details the approach to each step with its key deliverables. To assist the practical use of the guide we have also provided case studies, and some crucial examples such as how to conduct distributor assessments, the necessary approach, and some key areas to focus on.


Our 20 Steps methodology combines decades of strategy development, operational execution, commercial insight and proven best practice. This will allow you to develop the strategy, tools, organisation, and execution capability to drive your sales forward.

It is important to remember, the structure of the steps and the phases are less relevant than making sure that you cover all the content, and do not miss any key areas of strategy or execution across the Route to Market.

In my upcoming posts, I will discuss specific areas and key tasks on which you may focus as part of your Route to Market transformation in 2021.

I hope this step-by-step guide allows you to delve into your own Route to Market, lay bare any issues, and begin the process of fixing those issues. If you need specific help, please reach out to me directly. Feel free to use our 20 Steps to Route to Market Excellence model to give you inspiration on your RtM journey.

Tags: FMCG, Route to Market, Traditional Trade, Sales, RTM Assessment Tool, RTM, Ross Marie, RtM Strategy, 20 Steps to RtM Excellence

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