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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

FMCG S&OP: Special Agent Assignment

Posted by Dave Jordan on Tue, Sep 24, 2024


A British Secret Agent glided through the polished corridors of HQ. Reaching his destination door he knocked and entered at the same time and introduced himself as Beams, Jon D Beams. The swooning Miss Cashnickel smiled a Colgate smile and without delay gestured Jon to enter the boss’s office. Jon knew the boss very well, so well in fact that he shortened her name to Em, much to Emmeline's annoyance. 

After some general chit-chat and the inevitable comment on the weather, Jon was given his assignment. The enemy this time was an exceptionally daring and flamboyant group known as S.P.A.M (Sales People & Marketing). Often lying low for prolonged periods, S.P.A.M. would surface and cause disruption to corporate business plans, especially S&OP. They had to be stopped and Jon D Beams was the best choice to get S.P.A.M. into line.

Calling on Kew

Beams's next stop was to collect his new briefcase packed with the latest gadgets. After spending some time understanding how the new equipment worked, he thanked Mr. Kew and set out on his mission. There was no time to lose before S.P.A.M unleashed untold chaos on the monthly S&OP process. Beams hopped into his indestructible Aston Martin DB5 sports car and sped away.

Meanwhile in S.P.A.M. headquarters the time was 15.00 hours and the lunch break was finally drawing to a close. Over many years the S.P.A.M. team had maintained strict secrecy on their plans and intentions to ensure maximum surprise and disruption. Beams had to find a way to infiltrate the organisation to make changes and his deadline was the end of the month when the untold chaos of sales peaking could occur right in the middle of the S&O Execution horizon.

Now you see me......

The following day, Beams had to go undercover. In order to blend in with S.P.A.M. he bought a cheap suit and a tie from the charity shop and removed his watch. Taking care not to arrive too early, Beams slipped into S.P.A.M. HQ a few minutes before 10.30 to ensure he was there at the start of the working day. The suit worked a treat and he was not challenged as he joined the queue for coffee and do-nuts. While the S.P.A.M people debated the origins of the hole in the doughnut, Beams quietly slipped away.

Beams found a door labelled 'Top Secret' and walked inside the brightly lit room. Hidden amongst the tabletop basketball nets and wacky weasel balls on a large glass table was a file marked 'Monthly Plan'. Flipping open the file with a pen, Beams immediately realised his worst fears and that Em was right. S.P.A.M was operating on two sets of numbers. One set they released to the business as the corporate plan and the other set was what they actually expected to achieve, and the variations were significant.

Time for action

Severe discontinuity in the S&OE horizon was imminent and decisive action was required. Using a digital camera built into his tongue Beams collected the required evidence and then left his decisive mark. Beams made both sets of numbers exactly the same and replaced the file on the table. Carefully replacing a part-used lollipop on the file so nobody would suspect anything had been moved, he made a swift exit.

By-passing the traditional end of assignment tryst with a beautiful girl, Beams hurried to inform Em that there was now only one plan for the business and S.P.A.M. had been foiled. They now worked towards only one set of numbers across the entire business. No more unexplained month/quarter-end variations and a far healthier outlook for the business by adopting the principles of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP). Customer Service quickly improved to boost the top and bottom lines.

Cue familiar staccato music and the silhouette image of a sharp suited Jon D Beams turning to shoot his gun.............at you!

Help! I need somebody

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Tags: Dave Jordan, Humour, S&OP, Forecasting & Demand Planning, Sales

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