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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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FMCG Co-packing and Re-packing Management

Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 30, 2018
Whether you call it co-packing or re-packing this involves the further manipulation of a previously finished and complete SKU. Look around the shelves and the evidence of extra expense and work is displayed by special stickers, multi-packs and…

FMCG Mergers & Acquisitions - Why acquired brands fail to deliver

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 18, 2018
Let me get straight to the point on this one. Why do so many FMCG mergers or acquisitions frequently result in the apparent death-knell of once proud and promising brands? I am not going to name any names but if you think about it there have been…

FMCG & Pharma: Top 10 Tips for a Tip Top Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 16, 2018
Only a few months into the year and I am hearing the same old complaints about the economy and business being in general ill health. However, there is a new recurring theme which popped up at various parties and gatherings over Easter; “my company…

Manage Supply Chain Expectations with Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 11, 2018
If you do not specifically agree on what is expected between two parties before you start a relationship then anything and everything but success is likely. You buy a new car and you get a contract that tells you what is covered by the guarantee and…

SC and Sales senior team squabbles: Always bad for business

Dave Jordan Thu, Jul 05, 2018
Another sign of getting old I guess. When was the last time you watched a football match when no tattoos were on show and the haircuts did not look like something out of the Time Warp musical? As I write England is still involved yet we are all…

FMCG ERP and The Beatles.......? Spreadsheets cause damage.

Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 04, 2018
Some time ago I wrote about the way spreadsheets were undermining expensively assembled ERP’s in FMCG, Brewing and Pharmaceutical companies. They still are, by the way. Not too long ago a paper on Public Debt and Austerity published by 2 eminent…

FMCG S&OP: Who is the stooge in your process?

Dave Jordan Mon, Jul 02, 2018
Laurel and Hardy, Morecambe and Wise, Abbott and Costello, Little and Large, Hale and Pace, May and Johnson. These are examples of double acts where one party plays the straight/stooge and apparently serious man while the other plays the…

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