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Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog

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We are passionate about Route to Market and supply chain management and we are delighted to share our thoughts with you. We would like to hear from you too, so please comment on our posts or contact us.

FMCG/Pharma Route To Market (RTM) & Jingle Bells

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 19, 2013
Why not make sure your festivities don’t fizzle out as soon as January sales numbers arrive. Get into the spirit of Route To Market (RTM) Distribution right now with our take on Jingle Bells! Why are sales so low? I don’t know what to say We expect…

The Twelve Days of Supply Chain

Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 18, 2013
On the first day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me A robust S&OP. On the second day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me Two fine consultants, And a robust S&OP. On the third day of Christmas, Enchange gave to me An ERP go-live, Two fine consultants,…

RTM New Year Sales Tactics for Electronics & Telecoms Producers

Dave Jordan Thu, Dec 05, 2013
The year-end Christmas rush is about to gear up once more. Despite the ropey economic conditions people will still find ways to spend as much money as possible – that they don’t have - over the holiday build up and the inevitable “everything must…

FMCG: Sales & Marketing activity planning horizons

Dave Jordan Wed, Dec 04, 2013
Once more I delve into the TV of my youth and bring you the Goodies singing “Make a Daft Noise for Christmas” containing the classic line “Christmas comes but once a year, and when it does, it’s absolutely shocking.” Will this be the case for your…

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