Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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FMCG Year-end 2017: Distributors overstocked?
Dave Jordan Thu, Nov 30, 2017
How is 2017 going so far? Are you in cruise control or is your business chaos central? Be honest now! The last quarter of the year is always difficult to manage in order to achieve 2017 results without negatively impacting 2018. When your business…
FMCG Trade Loading & 4th Quarter Challenges - deja vue all over again!
Dave Jordan Mon, Nov 27, 2017
Some things never change and FMCG 4th Quarter challenges certainly do not. The same challenges are clearly present and what is astonishing is that some companies are still making short term, expensive efforts to “make the sales numbers”. I don't…
FMCG Route To Market Challenges; Learn from IKEA
Dave Jordan Sun, Nov 19, 2017
There is no excuse in visiting IKEA on a Sunday before watching 22 millionaires with daft hair styles kick a football around on live telly. The weather was cold and the air was full of autumn drizzle and as I turned into the car park the scale of…
FMCG SKU Proliferation: You DON'T need lost sales in Q4
Dave Jordan Mon, Nov 13, 2017
Extra SKUs sneak onto price lists when nobody is looking. Sales & Marketing colleagues prefer new launches with lengthy SKU lists different flavours, different sizes, different colours, new packaging etc. How many shelf facings do they want? How do…