Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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FMCG: Performance turn-around needs fresh supply chain faces
Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 29, 2015
In the greater scheme of life many questions remain unanswered but my hobby horse question is why people and notably politicians and usually male at that, cannot get on with other nationalities and/or/religions. We are not here for long yet some…
FMCG warehouse capacity in Romania: A Short Story
Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 22, 2015
The car bounced over the dirt road of potholes and puddles and approached the expansive, looming warehouse building that was once so full of life and bustling activity. Paper and polystyrene fast–food litter gathered up by the breeze blew across the…
FMCG: ERP’s – how will you cope when yours fails?
Dave Jordan Wed, Jul 15, 2015
Yes I know, the recent blog posts have been a little Blog Gold meets Classic Blog with a touch of All Our Yesterdays and the History Channel but here is a fresh new offering. The last few months have been very busy both on the business and domestic…