Route to Market & Supply Chain Blog
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Quarter 4 Opportunities for FMCG, Brewing and Pharma Companies
Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 27, 2012
Hold on a minute, how did we get to this time in the year? I know time appears to hasten as you grow older but this year has flown by. One minute we were eagerly awaiting the Olympics and now we heading directly into a northern hemisphere winter and…
FMCG Regional & Global Manufacturing; Is the factory tide turning?
Dave Jordan Thu, Sep 20, 2012
This post on migration and return of retailers to the high street had me thinking about a similar effect in manufacturing. No, I don’t mean FMCG companies are now placing factories in towns and villages next to post offices and fast “food” outlets.…
Return of FMCG international key account retailers to the high street
Dave Jordan Mon, Sep 17, 2012
Not that long ago most of our shopping was done at smart rows of local shops. Every community had a row of mainly family owned shops where you bought everything from Persil soap powder - yes the real soap version – to baked beans to nuts and bolts.…
FMCG/Fuel Forecast Accuracy: Forget Flying Fears
Dave Jordan Wed, Sep 12, 2012
I have just arrived back from a great holiday full of sun, sand, sea and sacks of candy-floss which inevitably inspired me to write. I was already in my late twenties when I first flew primarily due to an irrational fear of flying. As a conscious…